this plugin aims to improve clarity for each opened buffer, providing a clear ranking for the most opened buffers.
- enhance workflow clarity
- easy to re-open buffer with tools like
- respect long directory path or filename (one level parent dir)
- respect main content width view (not hiding the actual viewed content below)
return {
-- ...
config = function()
require("buffcounts").setup {
min_width = 25,
max_width = 80,
-- reset every open project and show the sidebar/panel
vim.cmd [[BuffCountsReset]]
vim.cmd [[BuffCountsToggle]]
-- ...
there is three main command:
- BuffCountsToggle: toggle show/hide sidebar or panel
- BuffCountsRefresh: reload the ui
- BuffCountsReset: reset the rank
- [] disable sorting, just list of buffer history
- [] navigate buffer history with index
2025 - @naranyala