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Serializing NetCDF files for efficient use in deep learning pipelines.


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The Problem

NetCDF4 files, commonly used for storing climate and earth systems data, are not optimized for use with most machine learning applications with heavy io requirements or datasets that are simply too large to hold in GPU/CPU memory.

How does nc2pt help?

It performs a preprocessing flow on climate fields and converts them from NetCDF4 (.nc) to an intermediate file format Zarr (.zarr) which allows for the parallel loading and writing to individual PyTorch Lightning files (.pt) that can be loaded directly onto GPUs.

What intended use cases of nc2pt?

  • standardizing and making metadata uniform between datasets

  • aligns different grids perfectly by re-projecting them onto one another -- nc2pt projects the low-resolution (lr) regular grids onto high-resolution curvilinear grids (hr). This step can be configured to suit specific datasets.

  • selects individual years as test years or training years

  • organizes code into input (lr) or output (hr) fields

  • Designed for O(terabyte) datasets

What preprocessing steps does nc2pt do? 🤔

High-level workflow image

  1. configures metadata between the datasets as defined in the config
  2. slices data to a pre-determined range of dates
  3. aligns the grids via interpolation, crops them to be the same size, and coarsens the low-resolution fields by the configured scale factor
  4. applies user defined transforms like unit conversions or log transformations
  5. splits into a train and test dataset and standardizes both datasets based on the mean and standard deviation of all grids from the training data only (also writes this information into the zarr metadata for inference)
  6. writes to .zarr
  7. nc2pt/tools/ - writes to PyTorch files
  8. nc2pt/tools/ - batches the single PyTorch files

What are the downsides of using PyTorch files for climate data?

The most obvious downside is that you lose the metadata associated with a netCDF dataset. The intermediate Zarr format produced by nc2pt allows for parallelized io and perserves the metadata. This is useful for inference.


💽 Installation

xESMF is only available through Conda, so you will have to be able to install conda on your system. Unfortunately, this is limiting because certain HPCs don't allow conda.

  1. Begin by install xESMF here in a conda environment: xESMF

  2. Clone this repository

  3. Install into your conda environment

conda install -c conda-forge pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
# editable install
pip install -e nc2pt/

That's it!

📋 Configuration

nc2pt uses hydra for configuring and by instantiating structured classes in nc2pt/ This simeultaneously defines the workflow as well as the data. Please see nc2pt/conf/config.yml for an example configuration, or below:

_target_: nc2pt.climatedata.ClimateData # Iniatlizes ClimateData dataclass object
output_path: /home/nannau/data/proc/
  # This lists the models 
  - _target_: nc2pt.climatedata.ClimateModel
    name: hr
    info: "High Resolution USask WRF, Western Canada"
    climate_variables: # Provides a list of ClimateVariable dataclass objects to initialize
        - _target_: nc2pt.climatedata.ClimateVariable
        name: "tas"
        alternative_names: ["T2", "surface temperature"]
        path: /home/nannau/USask-WRF-WCA/fire_vars/T2/*.nc
        is_west_negative: true
        apply_standardize: false
        apply_normalize: true
        invariant: false
        transform: []

  - _target_: nc2pt.climatedata.ClimateModel
    info: "Low resolution ERA5, Western Canada"
    name: lr
    hr_ref: # Reference field to interpolate to. Will need to provide new file if not using USask WRF
      _target_: nc2pt.climatedata.ClimateVariable
      name: "hr_ref"
      alternative_names: ["T2"]
      path: nc2pt/nc2pt/data/
      is_west_negative: true

        - _target_: nc2pt.climatedata.ClimateVariable
        name: "tas"
        alternative_names: ["T2", "surface temperature"]
        path: /home/nannau/ERA5_NCAR-RDA_North_America/proc/
        is_west_negative: false
        apply_standardize: false
        apply_normalize: true
        invariant: false
          - "x - 273.15"

dims: # Defines the dimensions you might find in your lr or hr dataset and lists them to be initialized as ClimateDimension objects. Typically this would match what is in your hr dataset. Intended to allow for renaming of dimensions and allows for the control of chunking
  - _target_: nc2pt.climatedata.ClimateDimension
    name: time
    alternative_names: ["forecast_initial_time", "Time", "Times", "times"]
    chunksize: 100
  - _target_: nc2pt.climatedata.ClimateDimension
    name: rlat
    alternative_names: ["rotated_latitude"]
    hr_only: true
    chunksize: -1
  - _target_: nc2pt.climatedata.ClimateDimension
    name: rlon
    alternative_names: ["rotated_longitude"]
    hr_only: true
    chunksize: -1

# similar to dims, just as coodinates instead. coordinates might not match dims on curvilinear grids
  - _target_: nc2pt.climatedata.ClimateDimension
    name: lat
    alternative_names: ["latitude", "Lat", "Latitude"]
    chunksize: -1
  - _target_: nc2pt.climatedata.ClimateDimension
    name: lon
    alternative_names: ["longitude", "Long", "Lon", "Longitude"]
    chunksize: -1

# subsample data temporally or spatially!

  # Time indexing for subsets
    # Crop to the dataset with the shortest run
    # this defines the full dataset from which to subset
      start: "20001001T06:00:00"
      end: "20150928T12:00:00"
      # start: "2021-11-01T00:00:00"
      # end: "2021-12-31T22:00:00"

    # use this to select which years to reserve for testing
    # and for validation
    # the remaining years in full will be used for training
    test_years: [2000, 2009, 2014]
    validation_years: [2015]
    # test_years: [None]
    # validation_years: [None]

  # sets the scale factor and index slices of the rotated coordinates
    scale_factor: 8
      first_index: 110
      last_index: 622
      first_index: 20
      last_index: 532

# dask client parameters
  # xarray netcdf engine
  engine: h5netcdf
  dask_dashboard_address: 8787
    time: auto
    rlat: auto
    rlon: auto

# optional for tools scripts (single_files_to_batches)
  batch_size: 4
  randomize: true
  seed: 0

🚀 Running

  1. Explore data and ensure compatibility
  2. Configure nc2pt/conf/config.yaml
  3. Run the nc2pt/ script which will run through your preprocessing steps. This creates the zarr files
  4. Run the nc2pt/tools/ script which serializes each time step in the .zarr file to an individual PyTorch .pt file.
  5. Optional: run the nc2pt/tools/ which combines individual files from the previous step into random batches. This setup allows for less io in your machine learning pipeline.


Testing is done with pytest. The easiest way to perform tests is to install pytest and use the command: pytest --cov-report term-missing --cov=nc2pt .

It will generate a coverage report and automatically use files prepended with test_*.py in nc2pt/tests


Serializing NetCDF files for efficient use in deep learning pipelines.







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