The repository contains various C++ tutorials and sample projects using the Qt IDE.
- Comments - commenting syntax and examples
- ESeriesRLC - derivation of preferred Resistor, Inductor and Capacitor (RLC) standard values
- EscapeSequences - basic escape sequences and usage
- ForStatement - For Statement syntax and examples
- IfStatement - If Statement syntax and examples
- IOLibrary - IO Library syntax and examples
- Initializers - initialization examples
- Literals - covers character, integer and floating point literals
- MemberFunctions - Member Function description and example
- PointerTypeModifierPlacement - covers the placement style of type modifiers
- Pointers - covers basic examples of using a pointer compound type.
- References - reference operator and address-of syntax usage
- RoundToDecimalPlaces - a method that returns a double rounded to a specified number of decimal places.
- SalesItem - using the Sales_item class referenced in C++ primer, Lippman et. al. 5th ed.
- UnknownNumberOfInputs - uses a while loop to read std::cin of an unknown number of inputs
- UnsignedTypes - covers few pitfalls of using unsigned types
- WhileStatement - while statement syntax and examples
- extern - use of extern keyword and global variables