This Movie Search Web Application allows users to explore popular movies, view detailed information about them, and manage their favorite movies. The application is built using React and integrates with the TMDb API to fetch movie data. It features user authentication, allowing users to maintain their favorites and search history. The app also includes a theme toggling feature, enabling users to switch between light and dark themes. The app is fully responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across all devices.
- Popular Movies: The homepage displays a list of popular movies fetched from the TMDb API. Users can click on any movie to view detailed information.
- Movie Details: Users can view comprehensive details about a movie, including ratings, reviews, genres, and cast information.
- Add to Favorites: Authenticated users can add movies to their favorites list for easy access later.
- Search Functionality: Users can search for any movie, and the app fetches the relevant details from the API.
- User Authentication: The app supports user login, enabling personalized features like maintaining favorites and search history across sessions.
- Theme Toggling: Users can switch between light and dark themes to customize their viewing experience.
- Responsive Design: The app is designed to be fully responsive, ensuring a smooth user experience on mobile, tablet, and desktop devices.
Home page
My favourites page:
Movie details page:
Registration page:
- Popular Movies: `/movie/popular` - Fetches a list of popular movies.
- Search Movie: `/search/movie?query={movie_name}` - Fetches movies based on the user's search query.
- Movie Details: `/movie/{movie_id}` - Fetches detailed information about a specific movie, including ratings, reviews, and cast.
- Image Assets: Movie posters and backdrops are displayed using the image URLs provided by the API.
Desktop View
Mobile View