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Docker Ethereum Installation

Building Ethereum Image :

docker-machine create upwork2 --driver=virtualbox
eval "$(docker-machine env upwork2)"
cd docker-private-network/master/
docker build -t "mynode" .

You sould see this as logs :

Sending build context to Docker daemon 3.072 kB
Step 1 : FROM ethereum/client-go:latest
 ---> b39729d2d20d
Step 2 : ADD CustomGenesis.json /root/CustomGenesis.json
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 1c106df7c49a
Step 3 : RUN bash -c 'geth init ~/CustomGenesis.json'
 ---> Using cache
 ---> d5cae18fe3b3
Step 4 : RUN bash -c 'mkdir /root/VPSChain'
 ---> Using cache
 ---> dbe897060b1b
Successfully built dbe897060b1b

Creating Ethereum nodes in a private Network Mode :

Node 1 :

docker run -it -p 8545:8545 -p 30303:30303 --name e1  mynode --dev --identity "MyNodeName1" --datadir "/root/VPSChain" --rpc --rpcaddr "" --rpcport "8545" --rpccorsdomain "*" --port "30303" --nodiscover --ipcapi "admin,db,eth,debug,miner,net,shh,txpool,personal,web3" --rpcapi "db,eth,net,web3" --networkid 1900 --nat "any" --maxpeers 2 console

Node 2 :

docker run -it -p 8546:8546 -p 30304:30304 --name e2 --link e1:e1 mynode --dev --identity "MyNodeName2" --datadir "/root/VPSChain" --rpc --rpcaddr ""  --rpcport "8546" --rpccorsdomain "*" --port "30304" --nodiscover --ipcapi "admin,db,eth,debug,miner,net,shh,txpool,personal,web3" --rpcapi "db,eth,net,web3" --networkid 1900 --nat "any" --maxpeers 2 console

It's important to see this these logs in the two containers :

  I0728 22:32:27.209057 eth/backend.go:172] Protocol Versions: [63 62], Network Id: 1900
  I0728 22:32:27.210003 eth/backend.go:180] Successfully wrote custom genesis block: e5be92145a301820111f91866566e3e99ee344d155569e4556a39bc71238f3bc

## Ethereum Private Network Configuration 
Create an account in the two nodes : 

Node 1 :

  > personal.newAccount("AZERTY")
Node 2 : 

  > personal.newAccount("AZERTY")

In the two nodes we should see this : 

  > admin.peers

In Node 2 : 

  > admin.nodeInfo
    enode: "enode://c6abc01b894caeb96bb56b4358aaf0899cbfd321c9b0a024457200ababc6f49467a2fd72c4f05a0e2d55c1f0d97a144677e55b484ca31aa36fb64a6f180b2e3c@[::]:30304?discport=0",
    id: "c6abc01b894caeb96bb56b4358aaf0899cbfd321c9b0a024457200ababc6f49467a2fd72c4f05a0e2d55c1f0d97a144677e55b484ca31aa36fb64a6f180b2e3c",
    ip: "::",
    listenAddr: "[::]:30304",
    name: "Geth/v1.4.10-stable/linux/go1.5.1/MyNodeName2",
    ports: {
      discovery: 0,
      listener: 30304
    protocols: {
      eth: {
        difficulty: 131072,
        genesis: "0xe5be92145a301820111f91866566e3e99ee344d155569e4556a39bc71238f3bc",
        head: "0xe5be92145a301820111f91866566e3e99ee344d155569e4556a39bc71238f3bc",
        network: 1900
      shh: "unknown"

Get the IP of the docker-machine upwork2 : 

Je:upwork-blockchain nabil$ docker-machine ip upwork2

In Node 2 : 

> admin.addPeer("enode://527559a2ff6efc129a654c09064fc74fb42a54d28f312103e99542049fc525f549a8f17e3837a12e6f3c086e4477f8c4f61e4eb78052db2057f68edde2a6c22d@")

Now : 

In node 2 : 

> admin.peers
    caps: ["eth/62", "eth/63", "shh/2"],
    id: "527559a2ff6efc129a654c09064fc74fb42a54d28f312103e99542049fc525f549a8f17e3837a12e6f3c086e4477f8c4f61e4eb78052db2057f68edde2a6c22d",
    name: "Geth/v1.4.10-stable/linux/go1.5.1/MyNodeName1",
    network: {
      localAddress: "",
      remoteAddress: ""
    protocols: {
      eth: {
        difficulty: 131072,
        head: "e5be92145a301820111f91866566e3e99ee344d155569e4556a39bc71238f3bc",
        version: 63
      shh: "unknown"

In node 1 : 

> admin.peers
    caps: ["eth/62", "eth/63", "shh/2"],
    id: "c6abc01b894caeb96bb56b4358aaf0899cbfd321c9b0a024457200ababc6f49467a2fd72c4f05a0e2d55c1f0d97a144677e55b484ca31aa36fb64a6f180b2e3c",
    name: "Geth/v1.4.10-stable/linux/go1.5.1/MyNodeName2",
    network: {
      localAddress: "",
      remoteAddress: ""
    protocols: {
      eth: {
        difficulty: 131072,
        head: "e5be92145a301820111f91866566e3e99ee344d155569e4556a39bc71238f3bc",
        version: 63
      shh: "unknown"

In Both nodes start mining : 

> miner.start()

After 1 minutes Stop Mining in the two nodes : 

> miner.stop()

In Node 1 : 

> primary = eth.accounts[0];
> balance = web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(primary), "ether");

In Node 2 : 

> primary = eth.accounts[0];
> balance = web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(primary), "ether");

Lets try now sending from Account 1 to Account 2 : 

In Node 1 : 

> primary = eth.accounts[0];
> balance = web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(primary), "ether");
> sender = "0x7bca2ebe07358e7843b37e473d2067ad168b3257"
> reciever = "0x77c16f6bd29cff5939b0bb6c3a3c80b4c6ed4d68"
> amount = web3.toWei(0.01, "ether");
> personal.unlockAccount(sender)
Unlock account 0x7bca2ebe07358e7843b37e473d2067ad168b3257
> eth.sendTransaction({from: sender , to: reciever , value : amount})
I0728 22:53:33.028539 eth/api.go:1193] Tx(0x28f0880411e7c58ec94aea42347fc6f8f00682b49d1c7e6e52bfb788f865d906) to: 0x77c16f6bd29cff5939b0bb6c3a3c80b4c6ed4d68

To validate The transaction start Mining Again : 

> web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(sender), "ether");
> web3.fromWei(eth.getBalance(reciever), "ether");

So now our private Network Work and we are able to Mine and send transaction . 

## Creating Smart Contract/Daap
Let's now create a smart Contract using Truffle :  

mkdir mysmartContract
cd mysmartContract/
truffle init

Modify the truffle.js and replace : 

rpc: {
    host: "localhost",
    port: 8545

  rpc: {
      host: "%IP%",
      port: 8545
Run : 

  truffle migrate 

You should see this in ethereum node : 

  > I0728 23:03:18.214082 eth/api.go:1191] Tx(0x4c299bda948064380bc9485552dda77f5c4b2bc54fb175fbb762c61aa636b68e) created: 0xb8797611368e41e3ce98cb9404aaeadd05ece7d1

Start Mining to validate SmartContract Creation : 
  Je:mysmartContract nabil$ truffle migrate 
  Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
    Deploying Migrations...
    Migrations: 0xb8797611368e41e3ce98cb9404aaeadd05ece7d1
  Saving successful migration to network...
  Saving artifacts...
  Running migration: 2_deploy_contracts.js
    Deploying ConvertLib...
    ConvertLib: 0x6de814329790286a7acbad4c16105e6c0ae9be69
    Linking ConvertLib to MetaCoin
    Deploying MetaCoin...
    MetaCoin: 0x4be5a590320fc6e1749059ee989bdfc630b638d2
  Saving successful migration to network...
  Saving artifacts...

RUN : 

Je:mysmartContract nabil$ truffle serve
Serving app on port 8080...
Completed without errors on Fri Jul 29 2016 00:08:46 GMT+0100 (WEST)

Go to http://localhost:8080 and start using your Dapp : 


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