This full stack web site scrapes story headlines from the LA Times and allows for user comments to be added/removed to each story. Headlines, summary, link and comments are stored in a mongo database.
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript (ES6), jQuery, Bootstrap, Handlebars
- Node.js, Express.js, mongo.js, mongoose ORM, JavaScript (ES6), NPM packages (axios, cheerio,express, mongoose, morgan), Heroku
Github project : News Scraper Repository
Deployed Heroku link: News Scraper
- Use Cases seen in demo below
- scrap brings in new stories
- comment section: add comments, deleted comments
- db persistence - browser refresh then app shows same comments
- Use Cases seen in demo below
home page
comment section
- express - for interactive command line response
- mongoose - for database connectivity
- axios - for web page scraping
- cheerio - for JQuery like selection experience in node
- handlebars - templating engine for rendering home page
- none -
- none necessary - use link to page deployed on Heroku
- scrape new stories via nav button
- click on story comment button to open comment section
- add and delete comments
- link to LA Times story
- allow user to mark stories as saved and purge old stories from db
Myles Carey [email protected]
- 1.0 - Initial Release
Thanks to beta testers - my 15yo & 17yo daughters and wife