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Docker container and setup for Windows VS Code development in a linux container


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Git Docker Container for VS Code Remote Container development


I find VS Code to be a great free development editor and my activities involve a deal of development for the Linux platform. I like to be able to run the editor on Windows and build and run in the target environments using Docker as means to spin up lightweight containers for different projects with different technology stacks.

Scripts in this package facilitate creation of a Docker Container, based on the docker image created using scripts in the package Git Client Docker Container, with a Git Client that you can choose to configure to work in conjunction with the Private GIT Server. This container can be configured to work as a remote container environment for VS Code development on Windows.


Docker Container and VS Code setup workflow

The following steps will guide the setup of the environment in which to undertake Windows' VS Code development using a Docker Container as the host for artifacts and execution exnvironment, including integration between the container and the Private Git Repository.

  1. Optionally, execute -f yes to remove the remote git repository if you created one in an earlier attempt and wish to get rid of it and start again. / -g yes will not remove or attempt to re-initialise a git repository if it finds one.

    The following transcript is an example of the interaction:

    cd /mnt/d/github\*materials/programming\*in_bash/\_commonUtils\
    ./ -f yes
    _??_ Use default name 'programming_in_bash' as Remote Git Repository name? (y/N) y
    ____ Will use 'programming_in_bash' as the name of the remote git repository which to delete
    ____ Input accepted as 'programming_in_bash'
    ____ Client authorised to interact with the server
    ____ Repository 'programming_in_bash' exists
    ____ Non-empty repository 'programming_in_bash' will be deleted
    ____ Repository 'programming_in_bash' deleted

  1. Execute -g yes to create and set up a container with Private Git Repository integration if you desire such integration and have the gitserver container running.
    Alternatively, execute if you do not wish Private Git Server integration. Git client is still available but you will need to manually configure any remote repositories which you wish to use, perhaps only in the VS Code IDE.

    The following transcript is an example of the interaction:

cd /mnt/d/github_materials/programming_in_bash/_commonUtils
./ -g yes
____ Set environment variables
____ Will include support for private git server integration
_??_ Create remote git repository if it does not exist? (y/N) y
_??_ Use default name 'programming_in_bash' as Remote Git Repository name? (y/N) y
____ Will use 'programming_in_bash' as the name of the remote git repository which to create
_??_ Project Directory is /mnt/d/github_materials/programming_in_bash, Project Name is 'programming_in_bash' - Is this correct? (y/N) y
_??_ Use default name 'programming_in_bash' as container name? (y/N) y
____ Using 'programming_in_bash' as Container Name and Host Name
_??_ Create Windows Shortcuts? (y/N) y
____ Will create windows shortcuts
____ Created '/mnt/d/github_materials/programming_in_bash/docker-compose.yml_programming_in_bash'
____ Image 'gitclient:1.0.0' exist
Creating programming_in_bash ... done
____ Container' programming_in_bash' started
____ Generated '/home/gitclient' ssh keypair
____ Added '/home/gitclient' public key to 'gitserver' ~/.ssh/authorised_keys
____ Added 'gitserver' to '/home/gitclient' ${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts
____ Added 'programming_in_bash' to '/home/gitclient' ${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts
Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/gitrepos/programming_in_bash.git/
____ Created remote repository 'programming_in_bash'
____ Created Windows Shortcuts
____ ./ Done

  1. Execute to complete container environment configuration for development

    The following transcript is an example of the interaction:

    cd /mnt/d/github_materials/programming_in_bash/_commonUtils
    \_??\_ Artefact location will be '/mnt/d/github_materials/programming_in_bash' - Is this correct? (y/N) y
    ____ Container 'programming_in_bash' exists and is running
    ____ Set up startup project directory in remote environment
    ____ Created .gitignore in remote environment
    [master (root-commit) d8a17bd] initial commit
    5 files changed, 184 insertions(+)
    create mode 100644 .bash_logout
    create mode 100644 .bashrc
    create mode 100644 .gitignore
    create mode 100644 .profile
    create mode 100644 backups/programming_in_bash.txt
    ____ Initialised git repository in remote environment
    ____ Container set up

  2. The critical step is the deployment of the VS Code Server to the container, without which remote development will not work.

    I have been unable to figure out an automated way of accomplishing this, so here are the manual steps that need to be undertaken.

    a. Start VS Code on windows:

    C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe

    or in the WSL shell:

    'C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe'

    b. Click the 'Open a remote window "button"' in the bottom left corner of the VS Code IDE:

    Open a remote window

    c. Remote-Containers: Attach to the running container...:

    Attach to Runnning Container

    d. Wait for the installation of vscode-server and extensions to complete in the VS Code instance connected to the remote container

    The remote container VS Code instance window should look similar to what is shown below:

    Remote Container VS Code Serrver Setup finished

    e. Leave the VS Code in the remote container running

  3. Execute to update container and create a windows shortcut for starting VS Code connected to the remote container directly from Windows Explorer or from the WSL Shell, without having to go through steps 3.a. and 3.b.

    Transcript of an interaction:

    cd /mnt/d/github_materials/programming_in_bash/_commonUtils
    ____________Created/Updated script and windows shortcut to run VSCode with resources in the 'programming_in_bash' container

  4. Close the VS Code instance using the remote container. From this point you can use the Windows Explorer shortcut 10 code in remote container or the WSL shell script to start VS Code to work with the remote container.

This is it as far as establishing remote development environment using Windows VS Code for development is concerned.

If you requested that -g yes instruments the container to integrate with the Private Git Server, you can test this functionality now.

  1. Use the Windows Explorer shortcut 10 code in remote container or the WSL shell script to start VS Code to work with the remote container.

  2. Switch to the Git view, pull down the '...' menu and choose Push To....

  3. Select the remote repository to have the current state of the local (in the container) git repository master brach pushed to the remote.

Push to the remot erepository

Needless to say, you can perform all git-related work through the in-container terminal, either by connecting to the container directly or through the VS Code functionality.


Assumed host environment

  • Windows 10
  • Docker Desktop for Windows
  • Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) with /bin/bash version at least 4.
  • git installed in the WSL environment

Scripts (bash) expect to run within the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Debian host and have access to Windows' docker.exe and docker-compose.exe.


Assumed execution environment

The script expects directory structure like:

/mnt/<drive letter>/dir1/../dirN/<projectNameDir>/_commonUtils/

Top-level scripts, belonging to this package, are expected to be located in the _commonUtils directory and to have that directory as their working directory at the time of invocation. (Strictly speaking this is giverned by the __SCRIPTS_DIRECTORY_NAME readonly variable in the ./utils/

Scripts source a number of utility scripts, located in its utils and libs subdirectories. Test scripts source a number of utility scripts, located in its utils, libs and bash_test_utils subdirectories.

The scripts assume that all projects-specific artifacts which are generated, except the docker image and the docker container, will be created in the parent directory of the _commonUtils directory.

The following depicts the directory hierarchy and artifacts involved. The name programming_in_bash is the '<projectNameDir>' in this example. The name _commonUtils is the name of the directory in which the main scripts are expected to reside. The utils directory contains common constant and function definitions, many of which are used in the main scripts.

+-- _commonUtils
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +--
|   +-- bash_test_utils
|   |   +--
|   |   +-- 99_run_all_tests.log
|   |   +--
|   |   \--
|   +-- libs
|   |   \--
|   +-- LICENSE
|   +--
|   +-- utils
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   +--
|   |   \--
+-- docker-compose.yml_programming_in_bash
+-- Dockerfile.gitclient



In a suitable location in the file system create a directory to host the package. Unpack the _commonUtils hierarchy to it and the script will offer it as the name.

For example (in WSL bash):

cd <my client's directory's parent>
mkdir -pv programming_in_bash
cd programming_in_bash git clone _commonUtils


Create and Run Docker Container: 02_create_git_client_container


See scripts whose name starts with \__env_ in the ./utils directory for variable whose values can be changed for customisation pourposes.


Script invocation

cd /mnt/<driver letter>/dir1/../dirN/gitclient/_commonUtils

The script accepts an optional command line argument -g and its value which can be a word starting with case-insensitive y, and expects the image with the name gitclient:1.0.0, produced by the relevant script in Git Client Docker Container, to be available.

Providing -g yes on the command line will enable integration with the Private GIT Server.

The script will work through a series of prompts to offer you the opportunity to decide on some of the names that would be used in creating artifacts. Here is a transcript of a session:

cd /mnt/d/github_materials/programming_in_bash/_commonUtils

./ -g yes

  1. ____ Set environment variables
  2. ____ Will include support for private git server integration
  3. _??_ Create remote git repository if it does not exist? (y/N) y
  4. _??_ Use default name 'programming_in_bash' as Remote Git Repository name? (y/N) y
  5. ____ Will use 'programming_in_bash' as the name of the remote git repository which to create
  6. _??_ Project Directory is /mnt/d/github_materials/programming_in_bash, Project Name is 'programming_in_bash' - Is this correct? (y/N) y
  7. _??_ Use default name 'programming_in_bash' as container name? (y/N) y
  8. ____ Using 'programming_in_bash' as Container Name and Host Name
  9. _??_ Create Windows Shortcuts? (y/N) y
  10. ____ Will create windows shortcuts
  11. ____ Created '/mnt/d/github_materials/programming_in_bash/docker-compose.yml_programming_in_bash'
  12. ____ Image 'gitclient:1.0.0' exist
  13. Creating programming_in_bash ... done
  14. ____ Container' programming_in_bash' started
  15. ____ Generated '/home/gitclient' ssh keypair
  16. ____ Added '/home/gitclient' public key to 'gitserver' ~/.ssh/authorised_keys
  17. ____ Added 'gitserver' to '/home/gitclient' ${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts
  18. ____ Added 'programming_in_bash' to '/home/gitclient' \${HOME}/.ssh/known_hosts
  19. Initialized empty Git repository in /opt/gitrepos/programming_in_bash.git/
  20. programming_in_bash
  21. ____ Created remote repository 'programming_in_bash'
  22. ____ Created Windows Shortcuts
  23. ____ ./ Done

Note the -g yes command line argument in ./ -g yes. This argument instructs the script to instrument the container to support integration with the gitserver container, expected to be running on the same Docker network, and to create an initial -bare git repository for the container being created. See Private GIT Server.

If this flag is set to anything other than a string starting with y or Y, or is missing entirely, integration with the private git server will not be implemented in the container and you will need to configure git server integration manually if you need such integration.

All lines starting with _??_ are prompts for a response, either of a yes/no variety or for specific name to be accepted or provided.

Walking through the transcript, by the numbers.

Git Repository Integration.

  1. Create remote git repository if it does not exist? will only appear if git server integration was explicitly requested. Responding with Y will cause an initial --bare repository to be created in the private git server.

  2. Use default name 'programming_in_bash' as Remote Git Repository name? offers the project directory name as the default name for the remote git repository. Answering with N will cause the script to prompt for a name, receive it and ask for confirmation. This sequence of steps is not shown in the exhibit above.

Confirming script execution directory hierarchy and Project Name.

  1. Project Directory is /mnt/d/github_materials/programming_in_bash, Project Name is 'programming_in_bash' - Is this correct?Project Directory is /mnt/d/github_materials/programming_in_bash, Project Name is 'programming_in_bash' - Is this correct? requests that you confirm the directory hierarchy in which the script runs and in relation to which it operates and the project name that is used as a default name for a number of artifacts.

Confirming Container Name.

  1. Use default name 'programming_in_bash' as container name? provides an opportunity to confirm or change the name of the container. Answering with N will cause the script to prompt for a name, receive it and ask for confirmation. This sequence of steps is not shown in the exhibit above.

Creating windows shortcuts.

  1. Create Windows Shortcuts? given an opportunity to get the shortcuts create or not. The shortcuts provide an easy way to start/stop the container, stop and delete the container, and start a shell in the container as gitclient or as root.

From this point the script continues to completion, leaving behind a running container.


Host-Guest-Shared "backups" directory

The docker-compose command that creates the docker container also creates the host directory "backups", in the subdirectory at the same level as _commonUtils named the same as the container, and mounts it as bound volume in the container.

The "backup" command, available to the user issuing the following command from a client: ssh git@gitserver backup <reponame> will tar up the nominated remote git repository and will deposit the archive in that host directory. Just in case.


Custom Git commands accepted by the client over SSH

Custom Git Client commands
Command invocation Description
ssh git@gitserver Will invoke a "no-login" script, present a help text and permit entry of one of the available commands
ssh git@gitserver help Will display help text and exit
ssh git@gitserver backup <git repo name> Will validate <git repo name>, to ensure the repo exists, and will create a timestamped zip archive of the rpository in the directory "backups" shared with the host


Create Remote Git Repository:

Script invocation

cd /mnt/<driver letter>/dir1/../dirN/gitclient/\_commonUtils [<Name of New Repository>] [<Path To>]

The script expects the container, produced by to be running.

The script accepts two optional arguments.

Script Arguments
Argument Description Default
<Name of New Repository> Optional.
The name of the new remote repository.
If the repository already exists the script will abort with a note to that effect.
If the repository does not exist it will be created as a "bare" repository.
<Path To> Optional.
The script needs to connect to the remote repository using ssh. To accomplish this the git client needs to "know" the client. Providing the path to the client's will enable the script to add the public key to the client's authorised_keys store and then add the repository. As a side-effect the client will be able to invoke custom commands the git client offers, for example ssh git@gitserver list or ssh git@localhost -p 50022 list if using WSL in windows on which the docker is installed.


Delete Empty Remote Repository: 04_DeleteRemoteRepoIfEmpty

Script invocation

cd /mnt/<driver letter>/dir1/../dirN/gitclient/_commonUtils

04_DeleteRemoteRepoIfEmpty [<Name of Existing Empty Repository>]

The script expects the container, produced by to be running.

The script accepts one optional argument.

Script Arguments
Argument Description Default
<Name of Existing Empty Repository> Optional.
The name of the remote repository to delete.
If the repository does not exists the script will abort with a note to that effect.
If the repository already exists but is not empty the script will abort with a note to that effect.
If the repository exist and is empty (git count-objects returns 0 objects).


Note about removal of Non-empty Repository

It is possible to force the removal of a git repository which is not empty using this script. One might like to do that if experimenting with git client and git server interactions, git workflows and the like.

To force the removal of a non-empty git repository add the command line argument -f yes.

Be cautious when exercising this funcitonality to make sure that you don't delete a repository that you don't want to delete. To be safe, back up the repository first, so that you can recover.


Add WSL public key to gitserever's authorized_keys: 05_AddWSLClientSSHKeyToGitserver_authorized_keys


This script is useful if you wish to interact with the Private Git Repository directly from the WSL environment as it will use the WSL's ~/.ssh/ public key and add its content to the Private Git Server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys.


Script invocation

cd /mnt/\<driver letter\>/dir1/../dirN/gitclient/\_commonUtils


The script expects the container, produced by to be running.

The script accepts no arguments and expects the ~/.ssh/ to exist.


Set up container for remote development:

Script invocation

cd /mnt/<driver letter>/dir1/../dirN/gitclient/_commonUtils

The script expects the container, produced by to be running.


Update Container and create VS Code invocation shortcuts:

Script invocation

cd /mnt/<driver letter>/dir1/../dirN/gitclient/_commonUtils

The script requires the container, produced by to be running.

The script requires the VS Code instance connected to the container to be running. See Docker Container and VS Code setup workflow


Unit and Integration Tests

Unit and Integration test suites are provided for some modules alongside the module sources to which they pertain. They can be executed individually or together. Individual test sets in a suite can be enabled and disabled. The script ./bash_test_utils/ generates the actual run script which uses an environment variable to override individual test set's 'do not run' setting. See the script for details.

You can run the test suite by executing the following commands:


The script will force all but 3 test suites to be run and will report summary outcomes after each test suite and when the entire test suite was run.

Below is the transcript of one of the runs:

INFO 02_create_git_client_container_tests
PASS 125: assessReturnStatusAndStdOut function will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 139: fn__SetEnvironmentVariables will return __INSUFFICIENT_ARGS_STS status
PASS 183: fn__SetEnvironmentVariables function will return __NO_SUCH_DIRECTORY
PASS 229: fn__SetEnvironmentVariables function will return __SUCCESS
PASS 261: fn__SetEnvironmentVariables will return __SUCCESS and match expected values of all reference variables
PASS 308: fn__SetEnvironmentVariables function will return __SUCCESS
PASS 340: fn__SetEnvironmentVariables will return __FAILED, some variable values will not match expected values of reference variables
PASS 385: fn__SetEnvironmentVariables function will return __INSUFFICIENT_ARGS_STS - one of the expected output variables is missing
PASS 431: fn__SetEnvironmentVariables function will return __INVALID_VALUE - one of the expected output variables is empty
PASS 492: fn__CreateDockerComposeFile function will return __FAILURE status, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 527: fn__CreateDockerComposeFile will return __SUCCESS status and confirm that the file was created
PASS 582: fn__CreateDockerComposeFile function will return __SUCCESS status and will write docker-compose.yml file in the designated directory whose content is identical to the expected content
PASS 667: fn__DeriveContainerName function will return __FAILURE status, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 689: fn__DeriveContainerName function will return __SUCCESS status and expected container name
PASS 711: fn__DeriveContainerName function will return __SUCCESS status and incorrect container name
PASS 733: fn__DeriveContainerName function will return __SUCCESS status and correct container name
PASS 781: fn__GetProjectName function will return __FAILURE status, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 803: fn__GetProjectName function will return __SUCCESS status
PASS 825: fn__GetProjectName function will return __FAILED status if project structure is as expected but project directory hierarchy does not exists
PASS 847: fn__GetProjectName function will return __SUCCESS status if project structure is as expected and directory hierarchy exists
PASS 869: fn__GetProjectName function will return __SUCCESS status if project structure is as expected and directory hierarchy exists
PASS 913: fn__GetProjectDirectory function will return __FAILURE status, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 936: fn__GetProjectDirectory function will return __FAILURE status and error message if the project directory structure is not as expected
PASS 959: fn__GetProjectDirectory function will return __FAILED status if project structure is as expected but project directory hierarchy does not exists
PASS 982: fn__GetProjectDirectory function will return __SUCCESS status if project structure is as expected and directory hierarchy exists
PASS 1043: fn__GetClientContainerName function will return __FAILURE status, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 1066: fn__GetClientContainerName function will return __FAILURE status, 2nd argument value is invalid
PASS 1091: fn__GetClientContainerName function will return __SUCCESS status and accept pre-defined container name
PASS 1115: fn__GetClientContainerName function will return __SUCCESS status and accept derived container name
PASS 1140: fn__GetClientContainerName function will return __SUCCESS status and accepts derived container name
PASS 1165: fn__GetClientContainerName function will return __FAILED status and rejects empty entered container name
PASS 1210: fn__GetRemoteGitRepoName function will return __FAILURE status, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 1232: fn__GetRemoteGitRepoName function will return __FAILURE status, 2nd argument value is invalid
PASS 1256: fn__GetRemoteGitRepoName function will return __YES status and accept default repository name
PASS 1281: fn__GetRemoteGitRepoName function will return __SUCCESS status and will not accept default repository name
____ Executed 34 tests
____ 34 tests were successful
____ 0 tests failed
INFO fn__GitserverGeneric_tests
SUCCESS  41: fn__DoesRepoAlreadyExist: gitserver gitserver git /bin/bash => gitserver == gitserver (0 -eq 0)
SUCCESS  53: fn__DoesRepoAlreadyExist: gitserverXX gitserver git /bin/bash =>  ==  (1 -eq 1)
SUCCESS  66: fn__DoesRepoAlreadyExist: 'gitserver' 'gitserverXX' 'git' '/bin/bash' =>  ==  (1 -eq 1)
SUCCESS  78: fn__DoesRepoAlreadyExist: 'gitserver' 'XXgitserverXX' 'git' '/bin/bash' =>  ==  (1 -eq 1)
SUCCESS  90: fn__DoesRepoAlreadyExist: 'gitserver' 'gitserver' 'XXgit' '/bin/bashXX' =>  ==  (1 -eq 1)
SUCCESS  103: fn__DoesRepoAlreadyExist: 'gitserverXX' 'gitserver' 'git' => ____ Insufficient number of arguments == ____ Insufficient number of arguments (11 -eq 11)
SUCCESS  116: fn__DoesRepoAlreadyExist: 'gitserver' 'gitserver' => ____ Insufficient number of arguments == ____ Insufficient number of arguments (11 -eq 11)
Not running test for fn__IsRepositoryEmpty
Not running test for fn__IsSSHToRemoteServerAuthorised
____ Executed 7 tests
____ 7 tests were successful
____ 0 tests failed
INFO fn__SSHInContainerUtils_tests
PASS 125: assessReturnStatusAndStdOut function will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 93: fn__GenerateSSHKeyPairInClientContainer function will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 120: fn__GenerateSSHKeyPairInClientContainer function will return __SUCCESS and the content of the generated ~/.ssh/
PASS 145: fn__GenerateSSHKeyPairInClientContainer function will return __FAILED - unable to find user xxxxx: no matching entries in passwd file
PASS 193: fn__GetSSHIdRsaPubKeyFromClientContainer function will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 220: fn__GetSSHIdRsaPubKeyFromClientContainer function will return __SUCCESS and the content of the ~/.ssh/
PASS 245: fn__GetSSHIdRsaPubKeyFromClientContainer function will return __FAILED - unable to find user xxxxx: no matching entries in passwd file
PASS 315: fn__IntroduceRemoteClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 350: fn__IntroduceRemoteClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILED trying to add empty public key to git server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
PASS 413: fn__IntroduceRemoteClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILURE - invalid rsa public key or username mismatch
PASS 447: fn__IntroduceRemoteClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILURE - trying inappropriate container name
PASS 481: fn__IntroduceRemoteClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILURE - client username does not match username in
Error: No such container: gitserverXXX
PASS 517: fn__IntroduceRemoteClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILURE - unknown server container name
unable to find user gitXXX: no matching entries in passwd file
PASS 553: fn__IntroduceRemoteClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILURE - unknown server username
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "exec: \"/bin/bashcowski\": stat /bin/bashcowski: no such file or directory": unknown
PASS 589: fn__IntroduceRemoteClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILURE - unknown server shell binary
PASS 640: fn__GetWSLClientsPublicKeyFromServer function will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 667: fn__GetWSLClientsPublicKeyFromServer function will return __SUCCESS and the content of the server's ~/.ssh/authorized_key for local user
PASS 692: fn__GetWSLClientsPublicKeyFromServer function will return __FAILED - unable to find user xxxxx: no matching entries in passwd file
PASS 736: fn__GenerateSSHKeyPairInWSLHost function will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 760: fn__GenerateSSHKeyPairInWSLHost function will return __SUCCESS and the content of the generated ~/.ssh/
PASS 832: fn__GetSSHIdRsaPubKeyFromLocalWSLHost function will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 856: fn__GetSSHIdRsaPubKeyFromLocalWSLHost function will return __SUCCESS and the content of the ~/.ssh/
PASS 943: fn__IntroduceLocalWSLClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 976: fn__IntroduceLocalWSLClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILED trying to add empty public key to git server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
PASS 1021: fn__IntroduceLocalWSLClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __SUCCESS after adding client's public key to git server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
PASS 1057: fn__IntroduceLocalWSLClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILURE - invalid rsa public key or username mismatch
PASS 1087: fn__IntroduceLocalWSLClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILURE - unknown server container name
PASS 1117: fn__IntroduceLocalWSLClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILURE - unknown server username
PASS 1147: fn__IntroduceLocalWSLClientToServerWithPublicKey function will return __FAILURE - unknown server shell binary
____ Executed 28 tests
____ 28 tests were successful
____ 0 tests failed
INFO fn__UtilityGeneric_tests
PASS 125: assessReturnStatusAndStdOut function will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 70: fn__IsValidRegEx function will return __FAILED and 'Requires a shell regex to validate'
PASS 92: fn__IsValidRegEx will return __SUCCESS and string literal 'VALID'
PASS 115: fn__IsValidRegEx will return __SUCCESS and string literal 'VALID'
PASS 138: fn__IsValidRegEx will return __SUCCESS and string literal 'VALID'
PASS 161: fn__IsValidRegEx will return __FAILED and '_____ Alleged regular expression '[a-z' must start with [ and end with ]'
PASS 184: fn__IsValidRegEx will return __FAILED and '_____ Alleged regular expression 'a-z]' must start with [ and end with ]'
PASS 207: fn__IsValidRegEx will return __FAILED and '_____ Alleged regular expression 'a-z' must start with [ and end with ]'
PASS 230: fn__IsValidRegEx will return __FAILED and '_____ Alleged regular expression 'a-' must be at least 3 characters long'
PASS 253: fn__IsValidRegEx will return __SUCCESS and a string literal 'VALID'
PASS 276: fn__IsValidRegEx will return __SUCCESS and a string literal 'VALID'
PASS 299: fn__IsValidRegEx will return __SUCCESS and a string literal 'VALID'
PASS 343: fn__SanitizeInput function will return __FAILED and '_____ Requires shell regex to use to determine valid characters and eliminate all that do not match'
PASS 365: fn__SanitizeInput function will return __FAILED and '_____ Require string to sanitize'
PASS 388: fn__SanitizeInput function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 411: fn__SanitizeInput function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 434: fn__SanitizeInput function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 457: fn__SanitizeInput function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 480: fn__SanitizeInput function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 503: fn__SanitizeInput function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 545: fn__SanitizeInputAlphaNum function will return __FAILED and '_____ Require string which to sanitize'
PASS 567: fn__SanitizeInputAlphaNum function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 589: fn__SanitizeInputAlphaNum function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 611: fn__SanitizeInputAlphaNum function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 653: fn__SanitizeInputAlpha function will return __FAILED and '_____ Require string which to sanitize'
PASS 675: fn__SanitizeInputAlpha function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 697: fn__SanitizeInputAlpha function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 719: fn__SanitizeInputAlpha function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 761: fn__SanitizeInputNumeric function will return __FAILED and '_____ Require string which to sanitize'
PASS 783: fn__SanitizeInputNumeric function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 805: fn__SanitizeInputNumeric function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 827: fn__SanitizeInputNumeric function will return __SUCCESS and sanitized string
PASS 873: fn__FileSameButForDate function will return __FAILED and '_____ Insufficient number of arguments'
PASS 895: fn__FileSameButForDate function will return __FAILED and '_____ Insufficient number of arguments'
PASS 921: fn__FileSameButForDate function will return __SUCCESS - files have the same content
PASS 947: fn__FileSameButForDate function will return __FAILED - files have different content
PASS 1002: fn__GetValidIdentifierInput function will return __FAILURE status, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 1026: fn__GetValidIdentifierInput function will return __FAILURE status when 3rd argument is an empty strings
PASS 1050: fn__GetValidIdentifierInput function will return __FAILURE status when 4th argument is an empty strings
PASS 1075: fn__GetValidIdentifierInput function will return __SUCCESS and the sanitised version of the input, not excceeding given length
PASS 1102: fn__GetValidIdentifierInput function will return __FAILURE because test string contains only characters which are not valid in an identifier
PASS 1128: fn__GetValidIdentifierInput function will return __SUCCESS and the value provided to it in the outValidValue argument
PASS 1168: fn__ConfirmYN function will return __FAILURE status when prompt argument is not provided
PASS 1189: fn__ConfirmYN function will return default ${__NO} if no input is provided
PASS 1210: fn__ConfirmYN function will return ${__NO} if input is a string starting with anything other than Y or y
PASS 1231: fn__ConfirmYN function will return ${__NO} if input is a string starting with anything other than Y or y
PASS 1252: fn__ConfirmYN function will return ${__YES} if input is a string starting with Y or y
PASS 1273: fn__ConfirmYN function will return ${__YES} if input is a string starting with Y or y
PASS 1313: fn__RefVariableExists function will return __NO status when argument is not provided
PASS 1335: fn__RefVariableExists function will return __NO status when empty argument is provided
PASS 1357: fn__RefVariableExists function will return __YES status when variable name is provided, whether this variable exists in the outer scope or not
PASS 1379: fn__RefVariableExists function will return __YES status when variable name is provided, whether this variable exists in the outer scope or not
PASS 1401: fn__RefVariableExists function will return __YES status when variable name is provided, whether this variable exists in the outer scope or not
____ Executed 52 tests
____ 52 tests were successful
____ 0 tests failed
INFO fn__WSLPathToDOSandWSDPaths_tests
PASS 125: assessReturnStatusAndStdOut function will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 73: fn__WSLPathToWSDPath will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 94: fn__WSLPathToWSDPath will return __SUCCESS and the the pseudo-DOS path
PASS 116: fn__WSLPathToWSDPath will return __FAILED and X is not a valid WSL path
PASS 139: fn__WSLPathToWSDPath will return __FAILED and X is not a valid WSL path
PASS 180: fn__WSLPathToRealDosPath will return __FAILURE, insufficient number of arguments and Usage message
PASS 201: fn__WSLPathToRealDosPath will return __SUCCESS and the the DOS path
PASS 223: fn__WSLPathToRealDosPath will return __FAILED and X is not a valid WSL path
PASS 245: fn__WSLPathToRealDosPath will return __FAILED and X is not a valid WSL path
____ Executed 8 tests
____ 8 tests were successful
____ 0 tests failed

Test Run On 2020-05-24 16:53:29

     Test Suites
INFO 02_create_git_client_container_tests
INFO fn__GitserverGeneric_tests
INFO fn__SSHInContainerUtils_tests
INFO fn__UtilityGeneric_tests
INFO fn__WSLPathToDOSandWSDPaths_tests

____  129 tests executed
____  129 tests successfull
____    0 tests failed
____    2 tests skipped



The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright © 2020 Michael Czapski

Rights to Docker (and related), Git (and related), Debian, its pakages and libraries, and 3rd party packages and libraries, belong to their respective owners.




If you would like me to consider working for you, working with you on an interesting project, or engaging in specific projects for you, feel free to contact me.


2020/05 MCz


Docker container and setup for Windows VS Code development in a linux container







No releases published


No packages published
