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Show number of available relays in filter view #13685

Show number of available relays in filter view

Show number of available relays in filter view #13685

name: Git - Check commit message style
permissions: {}
name: Check commit message style
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Make sure there are no whitespaces other than space, tab and newline in a commit message.
- name: Check for unicode whitespaces
uses: gsactions/commit-message-checker@v2
# Pattern matches strings not containing weird unicode whitespace/separator characters
# \P{Z} = All non-whitespace characters (the u-flag is needed to enable \P{Z})
# [ \t\n] = Allowed whitespace characters
pattern: '^(\P{Z}|[ \t\n])+$'
flags: 'u'
error: 'Detected unicode whitespace character in commit message.'
checkAllCommitMessages: 'true' # optional: this checks all commits associated with a pull request
accessToken: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} # only required if checkAllCommitMessages is true
# Git commit messages should follow our guidelines. This action enforces that.
# Guidelines:
- name: Check against guidelines
uses: mristin/opinionated-commit-message@f3b9cec249cabffbae7cd564542fd302cc576827 #v3.1.1
# Commit messages are allowed to be subject only, no body
allow-one-liners: 'true'
# This action defaults to 50 char subjects, but 72 is fine.
max-subject-line-length: '72'
# The action's wordlist is a bit short. Add more accepted verbs
additional-verbs: 'tidy, wrap, obfuscate, bias, prohibit, forbid, revert, slim'