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Python implementation of a direct variational ray tracing method. This algorithm is outlined in the paper by Christopher Coleman in his 2011 paper in the Radio Science journal.

For this codebase, spherical vectors will be stored and used in the ISO convention of (r, theta, phi) = (radial, polar, azimuthal). However, cartesian vectors will be preferred where possible.


To set up this repository, perform the following steps

  1. Install Python on your computer (only tested with Python versions 3.9.4 and 3.8.5, but any version 3.7 or later should work)
  2. Clone the contents of this repository onto your computer.
  3. Open a terminal in the project's root directory
  4. (Optional) Setup a virtual environment to store this repositories dependencies. Checkout the docs!
  5. Run python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt to install the required packages.
  6. You're all set!

Entrypoint is a file contains that a working example of how to initialize a Tracer object and trace different rays within an atmosphere-magnetic field system.

To execute this file, run python3 with no arguments. This file will run the code and generate figures showing the convergence.

Standardized Components

Atmospheres, Magnetic Fields, and Paths are all standardized with easy ways to create new implementations. To achieve this standardization, I have a base class for each of these types. For example, BaseAtmosphere is the base class for atmospheres, and it can be found in the atmospheres/ file. Look in the magnetic_fields and paths directories for similar file structure.

All implementations of these components need to be in the file in their respective directories. For example, the ChapmanLayers class, which subclasses BaseAtmosphere, is in the atmospheres/ file.

Tracing Core

tracing/ is a file that contains the core code to trace generalized rays.

This file primarily contains the Tracer class which contains information about the path and system. The method Tracer.trace can be used to find a valid path given the necessary inputs describing the system. For each trace, the following inputs must be provided.


  • Known Path Parameters: The ray's starting and ending points, and the path's variable parameters. for the path.

  • Ionosphere Model: Object responsible for calculating the plasma frequency at any position in space. This object needs to subclass the BaseAtmosphere class.

  • Magnetic Field: Object responsible for calculating the earth's magnetic field at any given position in space. This object needs to subclass the BaseField class.

  • Initial Path: Path object representing an approximate ray path to begin iterating over. This object must subclass the BasePath class.


Please review the supporting paper, and read the comments provided within the code. Good luck tracing!


This work was made possible with the help and support of Dr. Stephen Kaeppler. Thank you.

Citing this Work

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Please use this doi link to cite this software.


Python implementiation of Coleman's 2011 Paper







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