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Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) test and validation, forked from ccast/motmsc


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CrIS test and validation, forked from ccast/motmsc 28 Nov 2017

top level 
rad_svd - SVD on some sample radiance sets
resamp[YXZ] - assorted resampling tests

mean_cfovs  - mean and std for all FOVs and selected FORs
mean_plots  - plot results from mean_cfovs
mean_diffs1 - compare FOR 15 and FOR 16 runs of mean_cfovs
mean_diffs2 - compare two FOR 15-16 runs of mean_cfovs

cal_flat  - convolve kcarta radiances with kc2cris
cal_resp  - convolve kcarta radiances with kc2resp
cal_test1 - plot responsivity differences
cal_test2 - match kcarta, rtp, and cris SDR obs
cal_plot2 - plots from cal_test2

kc2cris  - convolve kcarta to CrIS channel radiances
kc2resp  - convolve kcarta to CrIS responsivity

cmp_sdr   - compare two ccast SDR files
cmp_res   - compare ccast hi2low with user-grid finterp
cmp_idps  - compare ccast and NOAA spectra
cmp_loop1 - loop on ccast SDR files, compare with NOAA
cmp_fovs1 - find a FOR with similar FOVs and compare them
cmp_fovs2 - find obs with similar FOVs and compare them

sa_test1 - plot difference of SA row and column sums from 1
sa_test2 - plot difference of SA inv row and col sums from 1
sa_test3 - plot stats for extended SA matrix
sa_shift - plot SA time impulse

inst_demo   - demo calls to inst_params
sweep_diffs - compare space and IT looks by sweep direction
rad_stats1  - long span CrIS radiance stats

demo of equal area SDR subsampling

imag_resid (15 May 2017)
complex residual stats and tests; see the README for details

error_corr (1 Mar 2017)
correlation stats for instrument noise and obs minus calc residuals;
see the README there for more info

polynomial fits and nonlinearity corrections, see the README

fov5_anom (30 Aug 2016)
see the README there for more info

resp_test (24 May 2016)
resp_test1 - compare kc2resp with kc2cris
resp_test2 - try flattened responsivity
resp_test3 - compare kc2resp with kc2resp3
resp_test4 - calibration equation tests
resp_test5 - show R fHR rHR vs fLR R rHR
resp_test6 - sample flat, flat + 20, and resp ref truth
resp_obs - compare ccast minus noaa with flat minus resp ref truth
resp_cmp - compare recent ccast with UW reference responsivity
kc2resp3 - used for 2-stage responsivity test

filt_test1 - compare ccast with old UW ATBD filters
filt_test2 - compare ccast and new noaa processing filters
filt_test3 - compare noaa high and extended res filters
filt_test4 - compare compare old and new bandpass filters
show_filts - plot responsivity, FIR, and processing filters

allsci_tab  - summary ICT and met laser data from daily files
allsci_plot - quick look at ICT and met laser values

header      - man-page style function boilerplate 
finterp2    - fourier interpolation, wrapper for interpft
gauss_filt  - 7-point Gaussian FIR filter
hires_bmask - high res bit trim mask with max and min bounds
isclose     - test for rms relative difference less than eps
ntail       - find the non-NaN end a vector or array
rec_mean    - recursive mean
rec_var     - one-pass recursive variance
round2n     - round to n significant digits
fovnames    - FOV names for plot legends
fovcolors   - colors for 9 FOV plots
scalefig    - scale figures for printing
lat2aflag   - flag ascending latitudes
latcheck    - test lat2aflag
test_mean   - test of recursive mean
test_var    - test of recursive variance

ccast2rtp   - take ccast SDR data to RTP structs
cris_ichan  - sarta ichan indices in frequency order
cris_vchan  - full CrIS grid with guard channels
guard_ind   - indices for copying data with guard bands
guard_test  - test guard_ind
ichan_demo  - get sarta ichan and vchan values for CrIS
rtp_test    - basic high level tests of ccast2rtp

nedn_tab1  - tabulate unfiltered nedn estimates
nedn_tab2  - save left singular vectors from tabulated NEdN data
nedn_test1 - quick look at NOAA NEdN
nedn_test2 - quick look at ccast NEdN
nedn_test3 - compare two ccast NEdN runs
nedn_test4 - NEdN svd and filter demo plots
mean_nedn  - get ccast NEdN average over several days
nedn_plot  - show NEdN and NEdT from mean_nedn data

Feb 2016 nonlinarity a2 fitting, see the README

joepcut      - compare Joe P spreadsheet vs inst_params
cut_test1    - show plot channel freq vs met laser
echeck1      - compare eng packet vs older saved emissivity 
echeck2      - quick look at changes in eng packet emissivity
dw2dv_test   - compare wlaser and frequency residuals
idps_check   - quick look a day's worth of SDR data
idps_wlaser  - plot IPDS SDR wlaser values for multiple days
read_test1   - misc MIT reader tests
nf_test1     - interpolate old filter to sensor grid
nf_test2     - compare old and new numeric filters
interp_test1 - test finterp as used in CrIS processing
interp_test2 - test complex vs regular versions of finterp
cold_cfovs   - scan ccast SDR files for cold obs
check_days   - quick check for bad SDR data

new time functions, see the README

mostly tests to develop a new ccast ILS function
ils_demo - demo ILS plots
circ_test - plot integration setup for CrIS FOVs
ils_test1 - compare newILS, oaffov, and UW ILS
ils_test2 - newILS and oaffov as functions of arc steps
ils_test3 - show ILS change at cutpoints
ils_test4 - benchmark new ILS, oaffov, and UW ILS
ils_test5 - get condition number of f * SA-1 *f
ils_test6 - test fix for limit a -> 0
ils_test7 - check newILS normalization
ils_test8 - check newILS grid shifts
imp_test1 - show finterp impulse response is a sinc function
psinc - normalized periodic sinc
rsinc - normalized regular sinc
oaffov2 - old UMBC ILS function
computeIls - old UW ILS function

compare NOAA and CCAST SDRs with radiances calculated from clear
matchups for the 17-19 Feb 2015 NOAA test

geo_plot1  - demo plot of allgeo data
geo_run1   - geo_daily-only wrapper
geo_test   - simple geo tests and benchmarks
map_demo1  - plot xtrack by atrack for a selected channel
map_demo2  - map demo from a list of matlab SDR files

atest       - moving average w/ NaN tests
movavg_aux  - get moving average from a 3-file window
movavg_pre  - preprocess moving averages

apod_plot   - plot extended res cosine apodization
igm_shift1  - check interferograms before and after extension
igm_shift2  - shift extended igms to pre-extended grid
igm_mean    - find mean of a day of interferogram data
igm_std     - find std of a day of interferogram data
igm_plots   - plot mean and std of interferogram data
igm_scan1   - find max and min IGM values from bcast dump files
phase_look  - print summary phase stats from bcast dump files
phase_diffs - plot even minus odd phase diffs
mask_test1  - plot IGM obs along with high res bit-trim mask

cmp_ecmwf1  - loop on ECMWF RTP, match with IDPS, compare
cmp_ecmwf2  - compare ecmwf, idps, and ccast radiances

rtp_test2   - compare readsdr_rtp with prototype readbc_rtp
conv_demo1  - demo of kcarta to CrIS convolution with finterp
cos_demo    - generic cosine transform demo
rdr_times   - compare RDR internal, filename, and attribute time
matbench    - simple matlab vectorization benchmarks
bcast_rdr4  - call rdr2sdr4 on regular or high-res data
rdr2mat4    - process 4-scan RDR h5 files to mat files
rdr2sdr4    - rdr2sdr to check for out-of-order 4-scan data

srf_lowres  - compare low res SRFs by FOV at mid-band
srf_hires1  - compare high res SRFs by FOV at mid-band
srf_hires2  - compare high res SRFs by FOV at low end of band
srf_hires3  - check high res SA residuals
mkemissHR   - tabulated emissivity for highres ICT model


Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS) test and validation, forked from ccast/motmsc







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