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Florian Jenett edited this page Oct 26, 2013 · 3 revisions

####Cell / set behaviour proposal

Set loads, for all visible cells:

  • basic cell is being attached to DOM
  • poster image displayed (if cell has one)
  • cell content is not loaded (can be overridden through "autoload" field)

Hover cell

  • displays title and description

Click cell, for cells that have more content:

  • message to currently active cell to let it know it should stop
  • currently active cell is being deactivated (can be overridden by "sticky" field)
  • clicked cell becomes active cell
  • content is attached to DOM / loaded
  • message is sent to / into cell to let it connect to set (
  • message is sent to cell to let it know it should "start"

Cell "finished"

  • cell sends message that it stopped

Scrolling out

  • message sent into cell to let it know it will become deactivated
  • cells are being deactivated and go back into poster image state (can be overridden by "sticky" field)
  • cell is being hidden through CSS display:none

Scrolling in

  • message is sent to cell to let it know it will become activated rest same as Set loads above

Set changes, all cells:

  • are removed from the DOM
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