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This is a tutorial to introduce new users to the basic features of Aperture. It's a work in progress; more sections, especially on report generation, will be added in the future.
You will need to install the toolbox and download some sample data.
Some tools require EEGLAB and the Princeton MPVA Toolbox.
Add the toolbox your Matlab path using
addpath('path_to_project'); init_aperture
First, load some sample data. get_sessdirs
will automatically find all each of the individual sessions:
>> subj = get_sessdirs(path_to_sample_data, 'LTP*');
subj is a vector structure with one element for each subject in the experiment. Each subject object contains a sub-structure called "sess", which contains information about each session they have run.
Next, we'll import information about each subject's electrodes using import_channels
. This function, like many functions in the toolbox, is designed to only process one subject. To apply a function to all subjects, use apply_to_subj
. It steps over every subject in the subj
vector, passes it into the specified function, then places the modified subject structure back into the subject vector.
>> subj = apply_to_subj(subj, @import_channels, {'HCGSN128.loc'});
readlocs(): 'loc' format assumed from file extension
readlocs(): 'loc' format assumed from file extension
readlocs(): 'loc' format assumed from file extension
apply_to_subj: finished: 0.58 seconds.
This sets labels for channels that correspond to 10-20 electrodes. For example, channel 129 is "Cz".
Next, we need to specify a directory to save our results in. Information about all analyses will be stored in an experiment object, which is saved as exp.mat in the results directory. In this example, we'll save the experiment object in ~/results/catFR, but you can save it wherever you like.
>> res_dir = '~/results/catFR';
>> exp = init_exp('Category Free Recall', 'subj', subj, 'recordingType', 'scalp', 'resDir', res_dir)
exp =
struct with fields:
experiment: 'Category Free Recall'
recordingType: 'scalp'
subj: [1×3 struct]
resDir: '~/results/catFR'
file: '~/results/catFR/exp.mat'
lastUpdate: ''
You can use exp_disp
to print a summary of the experiment:
>> exp_disp(exp)
Experiment name Category Free Recall
Filename ~/results/catFR/exp.mat
Last Saved
Subjects - [nSess x nChan]
1) LTP001 [ 1 x 129]
2) LTP002 [ 1 x 129]
3) LTP003 [ 1 x 129]
Changes to the experiment object are saved using update_exp
. Before saving the new version of exp, a backup is made with the timestamp of the update in [res_dir]/exp_bak
. If you make a mistake, you can load a previous version, then use exp = update_exp(exp);
to make it the current version. Run update_exp
now to save a copy before we start making changes; note that you can optionally specify a log message, to make it easier to figure out which backup to load if you ever have to revert to an older version of the experiment object (these messages can be viewed using exp_log).
>> exp = update_exp(exp, 'imported catFR subjects and channels');
update_exp: saved.
(The next section is based on working with a larger sample dataset than the one at the link above, which already just contains 3 subjects. The example of getting a restricted set of subjects is left in below anyway, mainly to illustrate backing up the experiment struct.)
For this example, let's just work with the first three subjects. To easily filter the subjects, we can use filtersubj
. You input a numeric array, and it will return the subjects whose string identifiers contain the numbers:
>> exp.subj = filtersubj(exp.subj, 1:3);
>> exp_disp(exp)
Experiment name Category Free Recall
Filename ~/results/catFR/exp.mat
Last Saved 09-06-17_0131
Subjects - [nSess x nChan]
1) LTP001 [ 1 x 129]
2) LTP002 [ 1 x 129]
3) LTP003 [ 1 x 129]
We can now save the filtered experiment object using update_exp
. The previous version of exp is backed up, so we can always go back to that if we need to.
>> exp = update_exp(exp, 'removed all but first three subjects');
update_exp: backed up in exp_09-06-17_0042.mat...saved.
So far, we have imported information about each subject and their electrodes; next, we'll import information about the behavioral data, in the form of events structures. Events structures have already been created for each session in this experiment, so we can just import them using import_events
. (create_events
and post_process_subj
were used to create/update events and align them to EEG data.) The experiment structure stores data in the form of different types of "objects"; in this case, you will be creating an "events" ("ev" for short) object for each subject. Each object has a name, which can be used to reference the object later. Since we are importing data about all events in the experiment, we'll name these ev objects "all".
Each object has a "file" field, which contains the path to a .mat file that contains the events structure. When you import events, you must specify a directory in which to save them. We'll save the events in a subdirectory of res_dir
reserved for behavioral data.
>> events_dir = fullfile(exp.resDir, 'beh', 'all');
>> exp.subj = apply_to_subj(exp.subj, @import_events, {'all', events_dir});
ev object "all" created.
ev object "all" created.
ev object "all" created.
apply_to_subj: finished: 0.31 seconds.
Each subj object should now have an "ev" substructure. Now events will show up in the experiment summary.
>> exp_disp(exp)
Experiment name Category Free Recall
Filename ~/results/catFR/exp.mat
Last Saved 09-06-17_0131
Subjects - [nSess x nChan]
1) LTP001 [ 1 x 129]
2) LTP002 [ 1 x 129]
3) LTP003 [ 1 x 129]
Subject Events - [ events]
1) all [775-829]
The "Subject Events" section shows the "ev" objects and their names. In this case, there is only one ev object named "all", but each subject can have many ev objects with different names. For example, you might have one ev object for study events and another for recall events. The output also shows the length of each events structure. In this case, the three subjects have different numbers of events, so the range of lengths is displayed.
To load one of the events structures, we first need to get the corresponding ev object. To specify the location of the desired ev object, we give obj_type, obj_name pairs to go through the hierarchy in the experiment struct. The following first accesses the 'LTP002' subject, then gets the 'all' events for that subject:
>> ev = getobj(exp, 'subj', 'LTP002', 'ev', 'all');
This should retrieve the ev object for LTP002 named "all". All parts of the experiment struct are designed so they can be accessed in a similar way, specifying the type of thing you want to access (for example, events) and then the name (for example, the set of events named 'all').
The ev object is a structure with fields giving basic information about the number of events, and where the events structure is stored. To load the events structure, use get_mat:
>> events = get_mat(ev)
events =
1×1598 struct array with fields:
The fields in events structures vary depending on the experiment, but to load raw EEG data using eeg_toolbox, all events structures should have "eegfile" and "eegoffset" fields. These fields contain information about where the EEG data corresponding to each behavioral event are stored. In the next section, we'll use this information to load EEG data. Also note the "type" field. This specifies whether each event is a study or recall event.
Note: Alternatively, segmented EEG data can be imported from EEGLAB or fieldTrip, though this that is not covered in this tutorial. See the EEGLAB page in the manual for an example of an alternative way to create an experiment struct, and an example of importing data from EEGLAB.
In Aperture, electrophysiological data is stored in a general type of object called a "pattern". A pattern is just a matrix with a particular ordering of dimensions. Information about what the dimensions correspond to, what options were used to create the pattern, and where the pattern matrix is saved are stored in pattern or "pat" objects, which are added to the experiment object. (Note: pat objects are similar to "EEG" structures in EEGLAB and "data" structures in fieldtrip; in fact, there are functions for importing and exporting pat objects to these formats).
Since we have already imported channel data and events structures, we are ready to create a pattern. There are many options for creating patterns, listed in create_voltage_pattern
. This function is a wrapper around the eeg_toolbox function gete_ms, so it supports many of the same options. Options are specified by setting fields in a structure called "params". Any options not specified in the params structure are set to default values. First, we need to specify which events should be included in the pattern.
>> params = [];
>> params.evname = 'all';
>> params.eventFilter = 'strcmp(type, ''WORD'')';
These params tell create_voltage_pattern
to use the events we added earlier under the name "all", and to only get voltage for the events that have type 'WORD', that is, word presentation events. The eventFilter is evaluated for each event, and if it evaluates to true, that event will be included. Arbitrary statements including multiple fields of the events struct can be used to filter events. See inStruct
for details.
To keep the patterns small for this example, we'll just look at four standard midline channels. To do this, we can specify a list of channel labels to include.
>> params.chanFilter = {'Fz', 'Cz', 'Pz', 'Oz'};
For the other parameters, we'll use the default values, which are listed in the help comments of create_voltage_pattern
. We also need to specify a name for the pattern (so we can access it later using getobj) and a directory in which to save the pattern matrices. Finally, to run create_voltage_pattern
on all subjects, we again use apply_to_subj
>> pat_name = 'volt_midline_chans';
>> pat_res_dir = fullfile(res_dir, 'eeg', pat_name);
>> exp.subj = apply_to_subj(exp.subj, @create_voltage_pattern, {pat_name, params, pat_res_dir});
creating "volt_midline_chans" pattern from "all" events using voltage_pattern...
channels: 11 129 62 75
pattern saved in ~/results/catFR/eeg/volt_midline_chans/patterns/pattern_volt_midline_chans_LTP001.mat.
creating "volt_midline_chans" pattern from "all" events using voltage_pattern...
channels: 11 129 62 75
pattern saved in ~/results/catFR/eeg/volt_midline_chans/patterns/pattern_volt_midline_chans_LTP002.mat.
creating "volt_midline_chans" pattern from "all" events using voltage_pattern...
channels: 11 129 62 75
pattern saved in ~/results/catFR/eeg/volt_midline_chans/patterns/pattern_volt_midline_chans_LTP003.mat.
apply_to_subj: finished: 5.94 seconds.
Note: If you have a parallel config set up, you can set the optional "dist" input to 1 or 2 when calling apply_to_subj
; this will run the subjects in parallel using a batch job or a parfor loop, respectively. This can be useful if you are creating large patterns that take a long time to create, or if you have a large number of subjects.
Running exp_disp
again, you should see the added patterns:
>> exp_disp(exp)
Experiment name Category Free Recall
Filename ~/results/catFR_test/exp.mat
Last Saved
Subjects - [nSess x nChan]
1) LTP001 [ 1 x 129]
2) LTP002 [ 1 x 129]
3) LTP003 [ 1 x 129]
Subject Events - [ events]
1) all [775-829]
Subject Patterns - [events x chans x time x freq]
1) volt_midline_chans [ 384 x 4 x 1100 x 1]
Note that the number of events in the pattern is different than the number of events in the source events structures. This is because only the word presentation events were included. Patterns have a fourth "frequency" dimension that is used in oscillatory power patterns, but is always of length one for voltage patterns, since they don't have a frequency dimension.
Like with the events structures, we can access the pattern matrix using getobj
and get_mat
>> pat = getobj(exp, 'subj', 'LTP002', 'pat', 'volt_midline_chans');
>> pattern = get_mat(pat);
We can make ERP plots using pat_erp
. To plot the averages over subsets of events, we can specify a field of the events structure. In this experiment, there were three different categories of stimuli: celebrities, landmarks, and objects. If we specify the "category" field in the event_bins option, pat_erp
will plot the average voltage for each unique category code. One figure will be created for each channel. The figures will be printed to a graphics file (default format is EPS), and the paths to the printed figures are saved in a "fig" object, which is attached to each "pat" object.
To create ERP plots for each subject's voltage pattern, we use apply_to_pat
. It works similarly to apply_to_subj
, except we specify the name of the pattern object to apply the function to.
>> params = struct('event_bins', 'category');
>> exp.subj = apply_to_pat(exp.subj, 'volt_midline_chans', @pat_erp, {'category_erp', params});
making 4 ERP plots from pattern volt_midline_chans...
1 2 3 4
making 4 ERP plots from pattern volt_midline_chans...
1 2 3 4
making 4 ERP plots from pattern volt_midline_chans...
1 2 3 4
apply_to_subj: finished: 10.65 seconds.
Each pattern object should now have a fig object name "category_erp" attached to it, containing paths to one figure for each channel:
>> fig = getobj(exp, 'subj', 'LTP001', 'pat', 'volt_midline_chans', 'fig', 'category_erp')
fig =
struct with fields:
name: 'category_erp'
file: {1×4 cell}
source: 'volt_midline_chans'
>> [fig.file]'
ans =
4×1 cell array
Each of the figures is saved as a .eps file by default (EPS is a vector format that can be edited in a graphics software such as Illustrator). The plotting functions in the toolbox can be used to quickly create many plots based on different channels, frequencies, etc.
If you have LaTeX installed, the information in these fig objects can be used to create a PDF report showing each subject's ERPs. (section under construction; in the meantime, see create_pat_report
and create_report