Releases: mongodb/snooty
Releases · mongodb/snooty
What's Changed
- DOP-5257: implement offline docs download modal by @seungpark in #1336
- DOP-5213: have two phases of storing feedback by @seungpark in #1338
- DOP-5273: add console warning for column out of index and continue by @seungpark in #1339
Full Changelog: v0.18.15...v0.18.16
Quick patch to fix wasm32-wasi renaming
Full Changelog: v0.18.15...v0.18.15-b
Release: [v0.18.15] - 2025-01-09
What's Changed
- DOP-5093: make tabs selectors interactive on offline builds by @seungpark in #1325
- Update package lock for icon by @seungpark in #1328
- DOP-5258: make collapsibles interactive offline by @seungpark in #1330
- DOP-5259: interactive method selector for offline docs by @seungpark in #1331
- DOP-5242 🐛 fixes the issue of the tab selector now rendering on mobile view by @caesarbell in #1332
- No caching in parser for Netlify builds by @anabellabuckvar in #1334
- Update by @branberry in #1335
Full Changelog: v0.18.14...v0.18.15
Release: [v0.18.14] - 2024-12-11
What's Changed
- DOP-5236: Upgrading gatsby by @biancalaube in #1321
- DOP-5215: Move repo cloning to populate-metadata extension by @anabellabuckvar in #1320
- DOP-5236: revert back to version 5.0.0 by @biancalaube in #1323
- Highlight release warnings by @rayangler in #1319
Full Changelog: v0.18.13...v0.18.14
Release: [v0.18.13] - 2024-12-05
What's Changed
- DOP-5159 Specify content repo and parser version in build script for Netlify Frontend Builds by @anabellabuckvar in #1309
- DOP-5203: change Chatbot access from search input to button by @seungpark in #1311
- DOP-5203: update dark mode dropdown position by @seungpark in #1314
- DOP-5142: Remove border radius one dark mode images by @mmeigs in #1315
- DOP-5181: Upgrade Chatbot to 0.10.2 by @mmeigs in #1317
- DOP-5124: reconstruct table data using tanstack tables by @seungpark in #1316
- DOP-5132: Support image-less banners and add TypeScript support by @rayangler in #1318
Full Changelog: v0.18.12...v0.18.13
What's Changed
- DOP-5194: update input font size for mobile by @seungpark in #1308
- DOP-5189: Create Netlify function to proxy URL fetch by @rayangler in #1310
Full Changelog: v0.18.11...v0.18.12
Release: [v0.18.11] - 2024-11-14
What's Changed
- DOP-4945: Default tab for drivers tabs by @mmeigs in #1301
- DOP-5161: Banner color is wrong by @biancalaube in #1305
- DOP-5130: Collapsible default expanded by @mmeigs in #1306
- DOP-5105: add offline banner by @seungpark in #1304
- DOP-4562: new LinkNewTab role by @mmeigs in #1307
Full Changelog: v0.18.10...v0.18.11
Release: [v0.18.9] - 2024-10-30
What's Changed
- DOP-5070 DOP-5088: update action bar and navbar for offline builds by @seungpark in #1291
- DOP-5126: Sanitize input for SoftwareSourceCode structured data by @rayangler in #1292
- DOP-5090: Disable Instruqt offline builds by @mmeigs in #1294
- DOP-5131: Feedback button new look by @mmeigs in #1295
- DOP-5111: Disable gatsby-plugin-image on staging by @mmeigs in #1296
- DOP-4939: Uncopyable code blocks can't scroll horizontally on Firefox by @biancalaube in #1297
- DOP-5089: disable version selector by @seungpark in #1298
Full Changelog: v0.18.8...v0.18.9
Release: [v0.18.8] - 2024-10-23
What's Changed
- Update parser version by @mmeigs in #1282
- DOP-5061: Add title as name for Procedure structure data by @mmeigs in #1284
- DOP-5053: Fix client-side fetch refresh - legacy page by @mmeigs in #1283
- DOP-5092: Tabs components are interactive offline by @seungpark in #1286
- DOP-5087: Remove DarkMode announcement/guide cue by @mmeigs in #1287
- DOP-5080: Remove Lighthouse action by @mmeigs in #1288
- DOP-5078: Fix duplicate "docs" prefix in BreadcrumbList by @rayangler in #1285
- DOP-5052: fixing link buffer's on mobile by @biancalaube in #1289
- DOP-4785: Remove MUT_CANDIDATES by @mmeigs in #1290
Full Changelog: v0.18.7...v0.18.8