Drone.io plugin to perform secure releases to Kubernetes.
How it works:
- Authorize in cluster
- Update images for specified objects
- Wait until release is over
- Print logs and rollback if release fails
List of recognised parameters
- user (admin) - k8s API user. If you do not use RBAC, then it is most likely to be "admin";
- token - k8s API autorization token. Possible ways to obtain it are described later;
- addr - k8s API server address. Possible ways to obtain it are described later;
- ca - base64 encoded k8s API server CA certificate; You MUST specify it, as it will secure your communication with API;
- kind (deployment) - object type in kubernetes. Can be one of (but not limited to): deployment, statefulset, daemonset;
- object - name of the object to be updated;
- img_cnts - array of containers in k8s object to be updated;
- img_names - array of container images to use. Must match the order of img_cnts;
- img_tags - array of tags of images for update. Order must match with img_names;
- namespace - k8s namespace;
- logs_if_fail (true) - print logs of containers if deployment failed to roll out;
- revert_if_fail (true) - undo deployment if it failed to roll out;
- rollout_timeout (10m) - timeout to wait until rollout is done;
- debug (false) - enable debug mode.
The following example updates with fresh images the website deployment with 2 containers ("dynamic" with httpd, and "static" with nginx):
image: jackthestripper/drone_setimage
user: admin
token: 32tx2u6Y1rlD2sHcpxstCmP1m4taE1fb
addr: https://api.k8s.example.com
namespace: default
kind: deployment
object: website
- dynamic
- static
- httpd
- nginx
- 2.4.33
- 1.13.12
This step translates into following commands (without authentication):
kubectl set image deployment website dynamic=httpd:2.4.33 static=nginx:1.13.12 --namespace=$k8s_ns
kubectl rollout status deployment website --wait --namespace=$k8s_ns --request-timeout=10m \
|| kubectl rollout undo deployment website --namespace=$k8s_ns
Using secrets to store access credentials for kubernetes is possible. Add the following pattern to your step (with corresponding secrets configured) to utilize them:
- k8s_ca
- k8s_user
- k8s_token
- k8s_addr
Number of elements in arrays (img_cnts, img_names, img_tags) should always be the same.
CA certificate is mandatory to secure communication with server. No, I will not add an option to allow insecure communication.
All the necessary information can be found in your kubernetes config (typically, ~/.kube/config). You can also use kops to get API token:
kops get secrets kube --type secret -oplaintext
Enabling debug mode will print secrets to stdout, so everyone who has access to oyur server may see it.