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Introduction to R Training

This is the repository for the Introduction to R training course, which aims to get participants up and running with using R on the MoJ's Analytical Platform. If you haven't yet used the Analytical Platform (AP), there is a prerequisite course that gives an introduction to using R on the Analytical Platform.

If you are taking this Introduction to R course you will find the following documents useful:

  • Intro_markdown.html - this document provides accompanying training material used in the Introduction to R Training session
  • code_participant.R - this script contains the code used in the training session

The Intro_markdown.html file can be viewed in a web browser after cloning this repo into RStudio on the AP, or downloading the contents locally using the green "Code" button on GitHub, and then clicking "Download ZIP".

In advance of the training session please follow these setup steps:

This training session is run in person/over Teams every few months. Alternatively, you can go through this material in your own time - all course material is included in the document Intro_markdown.html, which you can find listed above, and you can find recordings of previous sessions here. If you work through the material by yourself please leave feedback about the material here

Please contact Georgina Eaton if you have any questions.