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I'm mohammad nasr, a self-taught backend and devops engineer, I'm currently looking for my next opportunity!
Let's keep pushing the limits.
whoAmI := map[string]interface{}{
"name": "Mohammad",
"profession": "Cloud & Software Engineer",
"university": "Amirkabir university of Technology",
"languages": []string{"Go", "Rust", "Lua", "Python", "Javascript"},
"interests": []string{"software design", "ML", "algorithms", "cloud", "webRTC"},
"design": []string{"Clean Architecture", "Microservices"},
"tools": []string{"Kubernetes", "Docker", "NeoVIM", "Git"},
"systems": []string{"Linux", "MacOs"},
- WebRTC & realtime communication
- Language Server Protocol
- Shell scripting
- Message Brokers like Nats, Kafka, EMQX, Rabbitmq
- Containerized world and kubernetes
- Networking and new protocols
- Cryptography books and protocols
- Database and API design
- Clean code and design patterns
- AI and ML !
- 🏓 Ping Pong
- ⌨️ Coding
- 📚 Reading
- 🤼 Contributing to open-source projects
✈️ Travel