FloPy 3.7.0
Version 3.7.0
Support for MODFLOW 6.5.0 as well as fixes and enhancements.
New features
- feat(get-modflow): Support ARM mac nightly build (#2115). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-02-23.
- feat(binaryfile): Get budget by second package name
(#2050). Committed by Michael Ou@SSPA on 2024-03-14. - feat(get-modflow): Support windows parallel nightly build (#2128). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-03-22.
- feat: Add optional custom print callable (#2121). Committed by Mike Müller on 2024-03-25.
- feat(dis2d): Introduce limited support for a 2D structured grid (for overland flow) (#2131). Committed by langevin-usgs on 2024-04-01.
- feat(vtk): Improve vtk particle track export (#2132). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-04-02.
- feat(disv2d): Introduce support for a 2D vertex grid (for overland flow) (#2151). Committed by langevin-usgs on 2024-04-15.
- feat(vtk): Include all arrays on pathline input (#2161). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-04-19.
- feat(mp7particledata): Add localz option for PRT PRP conversions (#2166). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-04-24.
- feat(sim options block packages): Support for packages declared in simulation name file's options block (#2164, #2174). Committed by spaulins-usgs on 2024-05-01.
- feat(MfList): Support kper field in stress period data (#2179). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-05-04.
Bug fixes
- fix(PRT): Allow empty recarray or dataframe for output conversion fns (#2103). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-02-19.
- fix(gridintersect): Gridintersect does not work for rotated vertex grids (#2107). Committed by Davíd Brakenhoff on 2024-02-20.
- fix(str and repr): Better repr and str output for transient data with multiple blocks (#2058) (#2102). Committed by scottrp on 2024-03-13.
- fix(get_package and model_time): #2117, #2118 (#2123). Committed by spaulins-usgs on 2024-03-20.
- fix(modflow): Dataframe support was patchy in a few packages (#2136). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-04-04.
- fix(dependencies): Pin pyzmq >= 25.1.2 for arm macs (#2138). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-04-05.
- fix(empty transient data): Empty first stress period block (#1091) (#2139). Committed by spaulins-usgs on 2024-04-05.
- fix(comma delimited, scientific notation): #2053 (#2144). Committed by spaulins-usgs on 2024-04-11.
- fix(empty transient arrays): #2145 (#2146). Committed by spaulins-usgs on 2024-04-12.
- fix(#2152): Improve gridintersect geometry creation for vertex grids (#2154). Committed by Davíd Brakenhoff on 2024-04-15.
- fix(grb): Update binary grid file reader for new grid types (#2157). Committed by langevin-usgs on 2024-04-17.
- fix(OptionBlock): Deprecate attribute typo 'auxillary' -> 'auxiliary' (#2159). Committed by Mike Taves on 2024-04-19.
- fix(typos): Fixed a variety of typos throughout project (#2160). Committed by Mike Taves on 2024-04-19.
- fix(cvfdutil): Polygon area and centroid calculations now use shapely (#2165). Committed by langevin-usgs on 2024-04-23.
- fix(gridgen): Remove duplicate disv grid vertices #1492 (#2119). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-05-02.
- fix(mfmodel): Fix budgetkey for transport models (#2176). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-05-03.
- fix(gridintersect): Relax cell boundary checks with np.isclose (#2173). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-05-06.
- fix(MFFileAccessArray): Read_text_data_from_file modified for non-layered (#2183). Committed by langevin-usgs on 2024-05-06.
- fix(styles): Remove need for platform evaluation (#2188). Committed by jdhughes-usgs on 2024-05-09.
- fix(get_structured_faceflows): Fix lower face flows when idomain is -1 (#2192). Committed by vincentpost on 2024-05-17.
- fix(tutorial, verbosity setter): Fixed tutorial model name and verbosity setter (#2182) (#2193). Committed by scottrp on 2024-05-21.
- refactor(datautil): In is_int/float use .item() for np arrays (#2068). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-02-19.
- refactor(plotting): Check for user set axes limits (#2108). Committed by Joshua Larsen on 2024-02-21.
- refactor(get_cell_vertices): Raise helpful messages, improve docs, add tests (#2125). Committed by Mike Taves on 2024-03-18.
- refactor(modpathfile): Toward unified particle tracking api (#2127). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-03-28.
- refactor(MFSimulationBase): Allow simulations to have no attached models (#2140). Committed by Joshua Larsen on 2024-04-06.
- refactor(lgrutil): Convert numpy types to builtins for np2 compat (#2158). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-04-19.
- refactor(mp7particledata): Match mp7 order in to_coords()/to_prp() (#2172). Committed by wpbonelli on 2024-05-01.