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Pytorch implementation of the recognition parametrized model, with emphasis on different fitting frameworks (VAE-like etc.)


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RPM implementation in pytorch

Development repository of Marcel Nonnenmacher on the exponential family recognition-parametrised model [1] while working with Maneesh Sahani at the Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit in 2023.

The recognition-parametrised model

The recognition-parametrised model (RPM) is a latent-variable model designed with inference in mind rather than generation. While technically a (discretized) generative model, the focus is on learning latent spaces that can explain dependencies among several high-dimensional observations.

The RPM for latent variables $Z$ and structured observed variables $X = [x_1, \ldots, x_J]$, $J\geq{}2$, is written as

$p_\theta(X,Z) = p_\theta(Z) \prod_j p(x_j|Z) = p_\theta(Z) \prod_j \frac{f_{\theta_j}(Z|x_j)}{F_{\theta_j}(Z)} p_0(x_j)$

where $p(Z)$ is the prior, $p_0(x_j)$ are empirical marginals of a dataset $X^n, n=1,\ldots, N$, the terms $f(Z|x_j)$ are the so-called recognition factors and the normalizers $F_j(Z) = 1/N \sum_n f(Z|x_j^n)$ ensure normalization of the likelihoods $p(x_j|Z)$.

The RPM is unusual in that it defines the likelihoods $p(x_j|Z)$ via their respective recognition models $f(Z|x_j) = \frac{p(x_j|Z) F_j(Z)}{p(x_j)}$, specified by fixing the corresponding marginals the data-derived empirical marginal $p_0(x_j)$ and the resulting per-j marginals $F_j(Z) = \int f(Z|x_j) p_0(x_j) dx_j = 1/N \sum_n f(Z|x_j^n)$.

Trained with a global recognition model $q(Z|X) \approx p_\theta(Z|X)$ and variational free energy, the RPM thus only requires to write down recognition-type models: $q(Z|X)$ and $f(Z|x_j), j=1,\ldots,J$. Due to the mixture-model form of the factor normalizers $F_j(Z), working with it in practice is less straighforward than for instance working with variational auto-encoders, and due to its semi-parametric nature (the dataset $X^n$, $n=1,\ldots,N$ becomes part of the density $p_\theta(X,Z)$ !) it is arguably more challenging to analyze than typical deep generative models.


See the example notebook for two simple illustrations of the RPM model.

The main model variants covered by this code base are:

  • discrete latent variables, i.e. $p(Z), f(Z|x_j)$ are categorical.
  • continous latent-variable from a fixed exponential family $p(Z|\eta) \propto \chi(Z) e^{\eta^\top{}t(Z)}$. Several exponential families implemented, and more can be added easily.
  • a standard version and a time-series version of the RPM (similar to the latent GP from [1], but with discrete time). Time-series variants rely strongly on multivariate densities $f(Z_{t=1,..,T}|xj)$ to have tractable marginals $f(Z_t|xj)$, so they are largely restricted to Gaussian latents.
  • reparametrized continuous-latent RPM variant with amortized $q(Z|X)$ assuming $F_j(Z) = p(Z)$ in $q$ (i.e. not in the implicit likelihood $p(x_j|Z)$). Makes $q$ tractable and computable given the current generative model, simplifies the ELBO and can greatly speed up non-amortized inference. Use options iviNatParametrization='delta' and pass as recognition model q='use_theta' to a (standard or temporal) continuous-latent RPM.
  • the case of continous latent variables generally has intractable ELBO, and this repository implementents the `inner variational bound' (lower bound to ELBO) of [1]. Allows saturated recognition models $q(Z|X^n) = q(Z|\eta^n)$ and amortized recognition models $q(Z|X^n) = q(Z|\eta(X^n))$ with learned deep network-based $\eta(X)$.
  • unnormalized recognition factors $f(Z|x_j) = e^{g(Z,x_j)}$, where $g_j(Z,x_j) = g_j(x_j)'t(Z) + h_j(x_j)$ for some $h_j$ other than the negative log-partition function of exponential-family $p(Z)$.
  • further RPM variants implemented for research purposes (e.g. an implitic RPM directly defining $\omega(x) = \int p(Z) \prod_j f_j(Z|x_j)/F_j(Z) dZ$ under an assumption that $F_j(Z)=p(Z)$ while trying to enforce $p(x_j)$ to match the data).

Expermiments: main experiments imlemented so far include

  • the bouncing balls examples from the RPM paper [1] that can be found in,
  • a two-dimensional Gaussian copula with 1D marginals (either Gaussian or exponentially distributed), see notebooks.
  • several variants of the peer-supervision task on MNIST [1] used for testing discrete RPMs, see notebooks.


The main focus of this work was

  • to experiment with the RPM itself and understand its core functioning (i.e. discretization of observed space under cond. independence),
  • to implement various fitting methods that go beyond the basic saturated VI of the original AISTATS publication [1], such as minibatch SGD (option full_N_for_Fj=False for RPM() class), amortized q(Z|X) etc.
  • to write the RPM in general exponential family form, in constrast to the specific implementations for the two special cases of Gaussian (process) $p(Z), f(Z|x_j), q(Z|X)$, and discrete latents covered in [1].

In the process of the above, we realized several new aspects of the recognition-parametrised model, such that

  • recognition factors need not be normalized -- the argument for their shape as being log-affine in sufficient statistics $t(Z)$ of the latent prior is indeed a conjugacy argument!
  • such conjugacy can indeed be learned by matching the data distribution via maximum likelihood, but equivalence between matching the marginals and $F_j(Z)=p(Z)$ only hold for dim($x_j$) $>$ dim(t(Z)),
  • a reparametrization of the RPM recognition model based on a locally made assumption of $F_j(Z)=p(Z)$ can substantially speed up variational EM.

This repository is a personal copy of my original development repository that got transfered to the 'Gatsby-Sahani' github organization.

[1] Walker, William I., et al. "Unsupervised representation learning with recognition-parametrised probabilistic models." International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics. PMLR, 2023.


Pytorch implementation of the recognition parametrized model, with emphasis on different fitting frameworks (VAE-like etc.)







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