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Send custom metrics to Azure Monitor REST API using Custom Identity Authentication

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Custom Metrics to Azure Monitor - REST API Endpoint

Developers at Mystique Unicorn are looking for a way to track the performance of their application using business metrics. Their application processess orders from stores from different location. They would like to know how many orders/events are in the queue at any given time. They are looking for a central way to store and visualize them. Can you show them how the can get started?

🎯 Solution

We can use Azure Monitor Custom metrics1 for our solution. These can be performance metrics or business/app specific. We have multiple ways of doing so, the most common ways are

  1. Bootstrapping the application with Azure Application Insights SDK to send custom telemetry
  2. Using Azure Monitor Agent3
  3. Send them directly using the Azure Monitor REST API

Azure Monitor Custom Metrics allows you to authenticate4 against the endpoint using Azure AD Service Principal or Managed Identities. This blog2, shows how to emit custom metrics using Service Principal. This may not be needed when your resources are already running on Azure. For ex, A VM running in Azure can leverage managed identities. We can get the access token to authenticate against the Azure Monitor REST API using Managed Identity5. To get the access token the role should have Monitoring Metrics Publisher9 role assigned to it and make a OAuth token request to the We will see how to do this in the demo section.

When we are planning to send custom metrics, it is important to understand the structure of the metric so that we can send the right data. The docs6 has a good explanation of the structure. But there are few things we need to decide to send the correct data at the right frequency.

  • Each metric data point published contains a namespace, name, and dimension information.
    • Choose your dimension wisely. Avoid high cardinatlity(for ex timestamp)
  • Azure Monitor stores all metrics at 1-minute granularity intervals.
    • During a given minute, a metric might need to be sampled several times. - For example - CPU utilization. It is a good idea to pre-aggregate and emit the aggregated values. This can reduce ingestion costs.
    • Another metric might need to be measured for many discrete events, such as sign-in transaction latencies
    • An example the queue length will depending upon the time of the day, morning rush hour might have more events and needing to be sampled often.
  • Azure Monitor doesn't support defining Units for a custom metric7.
  • Custom Mertics are stored for 93 days by default. Plan your data retention accordingly.8

Now that the basics are covered, lets see this in action.

Miztiik Automaton: Send Custom Metrics Using User Managed Identity

  1. 🧰 Prerequisites

    This demo, instructions, scripts and bicep template is designed to be run in westeurope. With few or no modifications you can try it out in other regions as well(Not covered here).

  2. βš™οΈ Setting up the environment

    • Get the application code
      cd azure-send-custom-metrics-using-umi
  3. πŸš€ Prepare the environment

    Let check you have Azure Cli working with

      # You should have azure cli preinstalled
      az account show

    You should see an output like this,

       "environmentName": "AzureCloud",
       "homeTenantId": "16b30820b6d3",
       "id": "1ac6fdbff37cd9e3",
       "isDefault": true,
       "managedByTenants": [],
       "name": "YOUR-SUBS-NAME",
       "state": "Enabled",
       "tenantId": "16b30820b6d3",
       "user": {
         "name": "miztiik@",
         "type": "user"
  4. πŸš€ Deploying the application

    • Stack: Main Bicep The params required for the modules are in params.json. Do modify them to suit your need.(Especially the adminPassword.secureString for the VM. You are strongly encouraged to Just-In-Time access10 or use SSH key instead of password based authentication). The helper deployment script will deploy the main.bicep file. This will create the following resoureces

      • Resource Group(RG)
      • VNet, Subnet & Virtual Machine
      • Virtual Machine(Ubuntu)
        • Bootstrapped with custom libs using userData script.
      • User Managed Identity
        • Monitoring Metrics Publisher role assigned to the identity
        • Identity attached to the VM

      Note - I hacked the template from another repo of mine, so you will see some unused resources. You can safely ignore them, But do remember to clean up your Resource Group to avoid unnecessary costs.


      After successfully deploying the stack, Check the Resource Groups/Deployments section for the resources.

      • IMPORTANT - Do not forget to update the time parameter in the json. This should 30minutes behind UTC or 4minutes in the future. But always from UTC time.
  5. πŸ”¬ Testing the solution

    • Connect to the VM

      The Ubuntu vm should be bootstrapped using userData to install python3, git and also Azure Idenity initialized.

      • Connect to the using using Just In Time Access10.

      • The following bash script does the following,

        • Get the VM Resource ID
        • Get the Access Token
        • Build the Metric Payload JSON
        • Send a metric every 10 seconds for 1000(defined by variable METRIC_COUNT) times
        # set -x
        LOG_FILE="/var/log/miztiik-${COMPUTER_NAME}-$(date +'%Y-%m-%d').json"
        VM_RES_ID=$(curl -H Metadata:true -s --noproxy "*" "")
        # Either remove the leading slash in the Resource ID or add a slash in the endpoint URL
        # echo $METRIC_ENDPOINT
        RESPONSE=$(curl '' -H Metadata:true -s)
        ACCESS_TOKEN=$(echo $RESPONSE | python3 -c 'import sys, json; print (json.load(sys.stdin)["access_token"])')
        # echo $ACCESS_TOKEN
        for ((i=1; i<=METRIC_COUNT; i++)); do
            # Set variable values
            CURR_TIME=$(date +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
            TIME_TWO_HRS_AGO=$(date -d "-2 hours" +"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") 
            MIN=$(shuf -i 1-30 -n 1)
            # MAX=$(shuf -i 11-20 -n 1)
            # SUM=$(shuf -i 21-30 -n 1)
            # COUNT=$(shuf -i 1-5 -n 1)
            # Build JSON string
            # echo "$JSON_DATA"
            curl --write-out %{http_code} -s\
            -X POST ${METRIC_ENDPOINT} \
            -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
            -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN" \
            -d "$JSON_DATA"
            echo -e "\n Sent Metric: ($i/$METRIC_COUNT) -------------\n"
            sleep $SLEEP_AT_WORK_SECS

        Upon successful execution, You should receive 200 response code from the endpoint. If you navigate to the portal, You should see the metrics in the dashboard..

      Miztiik Automaton: Custom Metrics To Azure Monitor

  6. πŸ“’ Conclusion

    Here we have demonstrated how to push custom metrics to the REST API using User Managed Identity.

  7. 🧹 CleanUp

If you want to destroy all the resources created by the stack, Execute the below command to delete the stack, or you can delete the stack from console as well

# Delete from resource group
az group delete --name Miztiik_Enterprises_xxx --yes
# Follow any on-screen prompt

This is not an exhaustive list, please carry out other necessary steps as maybe applicable to your needs.

πŸ“Œ Who is using this

This repository aims to show how to Bicep to new developers, Solution Architects & Ops Engineers in Azure.

πŸ’‘ Help/Suggestions or πŸ› Bugs

Thank you for your interest in contributing to our project. Whether it is a bug report, new feature, correction, or additional documentation or solutions, we greatly value feedback and contributions from our community. Start here

πŸ‘‹ Buy me a coffee

ko-fi Buy me a coffee β˜•.

πŸ“š References

  1. Azure Docs: Azure Custom Metrics
  2. Miztiik Blog: Custom Metrics to Azure Monitor - REST API Endpoint
  3. Miztiik Blog: Send custom metrics from Vm to Azure Monitor using AMA
  4. Azure Docs: Register App to get Auth Tokens from AAD
  5. Azure Docs: Custom Metrics AuthN - Managed Identity & Service Principal
  6. Azure Docs: Get Access Token From VM using Managed Identity
  7. Azure Docs: Sample Custom Metric
  8. Azure Docs: Custom Metric Definition
  9. Azure Docs: Platform and custom metrics Retention
  10. Azure Docs: BuiltIn Roles - Monitoring Metrics Publisher
  11. Azure Docs: Just In Time Access

🏷️ Metadata


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