Create isochrones and accessibility images in the browser
const b = new Browsochrones({webpack: false}) // set to true if using webpack to bundle
const baseUrl = ''
const cutoff = 60 // minutes
const map ='map')
const lonlat = {lat: 39.766667, lon: -86.15}
(async function () {
const query = await fetch(baseUrl + '/query.json').then((res) => res.json())
const stopTrees = await fetch(baseUrl + '/stop_trees.dat').then((res) => res.arrayBuffer())
const grid1 = await fetch(gridUrl + '/Jobs_total.grid').then((res) => res.arrayBuffer())
const grid2 = await fetch(gridUrl + '/Workers_total.grid').then((res) => res.arrayBuffer())
await b.setQuery(query)
await b.setStopTrees(stopTrees)
await b.putGrid(grid1, 'jobs')
await b.putGrid(grid2, 'workforce')
await b.setTransitiveNetwork(query.transitiveData)
const point = b.pixelToOriginPoint(map.project(lonlat), map.getZoom())
const data = await fetch(baseUrl + '/' + (point.x | 0) + '/' + (point.y | 0) + '.dat').then((res) => res.arrayBuffer())
await b.setOrigin(data.slice(0), point)
await b.generateSurface('jobs')
await b.generateSurface('workforce')
const surfaceLayer = new Leaflet.GridLayer()
surfaceLayer.createTile = b.createTile // automatically bound to the instance
const isochrone = await b.getIsochrone(cutoff) // minutes
const isoLayer = Leaflet.geoJSON(isochrone, {
style: {
weight: 3,
color: '#f00',
opacity: 1,
fillColor: '#222',
fillOpacity: 0.3
const jobAccess = await b.getAccessibilityForGrid('jobs', cutoff)
console.log('job access', jobAccess)
const workforceAccess = await b.getAccessibilityForGrid('workforce', cutoff)
console.log('workforce access', workforceAccess)