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Rabbit Message Queue 2 Php

This Java application pulls data from a message queue and give the message to PHP by using PHP-FPM.


Download the jar file and put it somewhere like /opt/mq2php/mq2php.jar. You might want to use a init script. See this file for a template. You do also need to install Rabbit MQ.

Remember to protect your queue. If someone unauthorized could write to your queue he will get the same permission to execute programs as PHP does. Make sure you restrict access on the queue to localhost or make sure you know what you are doing.


There is some configuration you might want to consider when starting the worker.

Connection to RabbitMq

By default the application will connect to localhost. Pass additional parameters to specify the RabbitMq connection info or use environment variables:

java -DqueueHost=localhost -DqueuePort=5672 -DqueueVhost=/my-app -jar mq2php.jar


  • queueHost: RabbitMq host (default to localhost), environment variable: RABBIT_MQ_HOST
  • queuePort: RabbitMq port (default to 5672), environment variable: RABBIT_MQ_PORT
  • queueUsername: RabbitMq username (default to quest), environment variable: RABBIT_MQ_USERNAME
  • queuePassword: RabbitMq password (default to quest), environment variable: RABBIT_MQ_PASSWORD
  • queueVhost: Virtual host (default to /), environment variable: RABBIT_MQ_VHOST

You can use dot env style config like (see source for example):

source ./.env
java -jar mq2php.jar


This parameter (mandatory) represents the path to the php script which will process the message (if http executor is used, this is the complete url). The message is passed to the executor as base64 encoded json array. If Php-fpm or http executor is used, it will be passed as POST data, if shell it will be passed as first argument.

Json array:

  • body: The message body
  • headers: The message headers
  • properties: The message properties
  • queue: The queue name which the message came from (useful if you listen to more then one queue (see above))
  • redelivered: The flag if the message is redelivered.

See the dispatcher.php script for example.


How do you want to execute the php job? Do you want to do it with PHP-FPM (fcgi), PHP cli (shell) command or Http (http)?.

java -Dexecutor=fcgi -DdispatchPath=/var/www/myproject/dispatcher.php -jar mq2php.jar

Possible values are:

  • fcgi
  • shell
  • http

Use PHP-FPM for best performance.


Connecting to unix sockets (when using php-fpm) is not supported!


You can subscribe to different queues with different names. You should separate names by a comma. Defaults to default.

java -DqueueNames=foo,bar,baz -jar mq2php.jar

These queues will be evenly distributed over the worker threads.


The number of threads you want to use for each queue. As default there is one thread listening to each queue. These threads are waiting for a response from the PHP script. If you are planning to have several long running script simultaneously you may want to increase this. Usually you don't need to bother.

java -jar mq2php.jar -Dthreads=3

When the message is sent to PHP it will contain one extra header. It will be the queue header that contains the name of the queue.

PHP-FPM (fcgi)

These parameters must exist when you are using the FastCGI executor. They can be passed from command line or from environment variables (see above).

  • fcgiHost - If you are using PHP-FPM you have to specify a host to connect to. This is normally localhost.
  • fcgiPort - The port to connect to. Defaults to 9000.

Shell Executor

  • phpBin - This should be a path to the php executable, defaults to php.


The application uses tinylog for logging. Use can setup the logging using configuration file or using command line arguments like:

java -Dtinylog.configuration=/opt/mq2php/ -jar mq2php.jar
# see:
tinylog.writer = file
tinylog.writer.filename = mq2php.log
tinylog.level = warning
tinylog.writer.append = true
tinylog.writer.label = timestamp
tinylog.writer.policies = monthly


If you want to make a change and compile the application your self you can do so with:

mvn clean compile assembly:single
java -Dexecutor=shell -DqueueNames=asynchronous_commands,asynchronous_events -jar target/mq2php-0.6.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar

Debian service installation

sudo cp mq2php.init-file /etc/init.d/mq2php

Edit to fit your environment, setup permissions... Install the service:

sudo insserv -v mq2php



No packages published


  • Java 86.7%
  • Shell 11.1%
  • PHP 2.2%