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This Terraform module will create an Amazon S3 bucket for use on the Cloud Platform.


module "s3" {
  source = "" # use the latest release

  # S3 configuration
  versioning = true

  # Tags
  business_unit          = var.business_unit
  application            = var.application
  is_production          = var.is_production
  team_name              = var.team_name
  namespace              = var.namespace
  environment_name       = var.environment
  infrastructure_support = var.infrastructure_support

Migrate from existing buckets

You can use a combination of the Cloud Platform IRSA module and Service pod module to access your source bucket using the AWS CLI.

IRSA and Service Pod example configuration

In the cloud-platform-environments repository, within your namespace which contains your destination s3 bucket configuration, add the following terraform, substituting values as necessary:

module "cross_irsa" {
  source                 = "[latest-release-here]"
  business_unit          = var.business_unit
  application            = var.application
  eks_cluster_name       = var.eks_cluster_name
  namespace              = var.namespace
  service_account_name   = "${var.namespace}-cross-service"
  is_production          = var.is_production
  team_name              = var.team_name
  environment_name       = var.environment
  infrastructure_support = var.infrastructure_support
  role_policy_arns       = { s3 = aws_iam_policy.s3_migrate_policy.arn }

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "s3_migrate_policy" {
  # List & location for source & destination S3 bucket.
  statement {
    actions = [ 
    resources = [ 
  # Permissions on source S3 bucket contents. 
  statement {
    actions = [ 
    resources = [ "arn:aws:s3:::[source-bucket-name]/*" ]   # take note of trailing /* here
  # Permissions on destination S3 bucket contents. 
  statement {
    actions = [
    resources = [ "${module.s3_bucket.bucket_arn}/*" ]

resource "aws_iam_policy" "s3_migrate_policy" {
  name   = "s3_migrate_policy"
  policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.s3_migrate_policy.json

  tags = {
    business-unit          = var.business_unit
    application            = var.application
    is-production          = var.is_production
    environment-name       = var.environment
    owner                  = var.team_name
    infrastructure-support = var.infrastructure_support

# store irsa rolearn in k8s secret for retrieving to provide within source bucket policy
resource "kubernetes_secret" "cross_irsa" {
  metadata {
    name      = "cross-irsa-output"
    namespace = var.namespace
  data = {
    role           = module.cross_irsa.role_name
    rolearn        = module.cross_irsa.role_arn
    serviceaccount =

# set up the service pod
module "cross_service_pod" {
  source = "[latest-release-here]"
  namespace            = var.namespace
  service_account_name =

Source bucket policy

The source bucket must permit your IRSA role to "read" from its bucket explicitly.

First, retrieve the IRSA rolearn using cloud-platform CLI and jq

cloud-platform decode-secret -s cross-irsa-output | jq -r '.data.rolearn'

You should get output similar to below:


Example for the source bucket (using retrieved ARN from above):

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "AllowSourceBucketAccess",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Principal": {
                "AWS": "arn:aws:iam::754256621582:role/cloud-platform-irsa-randomstring1234"
            "Resource": [

Note the bucket being listed twice, this is needed not a typo - the first is for the bucket itself, second for objects within it.


Once configured, you can exec into your service pod and execute the following. This will add new, update existing and delete objects (not in source).

kubectl exec --stdin --tty cloud-platform-7e1f25a0c851c02c-service-pod-abc123 -- /bin/sh

aws s3 sync --delete \
  s3://source_bucket_name \
  s3://destination_bucket_name \
  --source-region source_region \
  --region destination_region

Decompressing Files Stored in S3

If you have some files stored in S3 that are compresses (e.g. .zip, .gzip, .bz2, .p7z) you don't need to fully download and re-upload them in order to decompress them you can quite easily decompress them on the cloud platform kubernetes cluster with a Job.

The following example, is a Job pod connected to a 50Gb persistent volume (so any temporary storage does not fill up a cluster node), using bunzip2 to decompress a .bz2 file and re-upload it to S3.

For your needs, simply substitute the namespace, AWS creds, the bucket/filename and the compression tool, then you should be able to use this to decompress a file of any size without having to download them locally to your machine.

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: s3-decompression
  namespace: default
  backoffLimit: 0
      serviceAccountName: irsa-service-account-name 
      restartPolicy: Never
        - name: tools
          image: ministryofjustice/cloud-platform-tools:2.9.0
            - /bin/bash
            - -c
            - |
              cd /unpack
              aws s3 cp s3://${S3_BUCKET}/<filename>.bz2 - \
                | bunzip2 \
                | aws s3 cp - s3://${S3_BUCKET}/<filename>
            - name: S3_BUCKET
              value: <s3-bucket-name>
          resources: {}
            - name: unpack
              mountPath: "/unpack"
            runAsNonRoot: true
            runAsUser: 1000
            runAsGroup: 1000
        - name: unpack
            claimName: unpack-small

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: unpack-small
  namespace: default
    - ReadWriteOnce
  storageClassName: "gp2-expand"
      storage: 50Gi

For further guidance on using IRSA, for example accessing AWS buckets in different accounts, see the following links:

Use IAM Roles for service accounts to access resources in a different AWS account

Accessing AWS APIs and resources from your namespace

[Cloud Platform service pod for AWS CLI access]

See the examples/ folder for more information.


Name Version
terraform >= 1.2.5
aws >= 4.0.0
random >= 3.0.0


Name Version
aws >= 4.0.0
random >= 3.0.0


No modules.


Name Type
aws_iam_policy.irsa resource
aws_s3_bucket.bucket resource
aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block.block_public_access resource resource
aws_iam_policy_document.irsa data source


Name Description Type Default Required
acl The bucket ACL to set string "private" no
application Application name string n/a yes
bucket_name Set the name of the S3 bucket. If left blank, a name will be automatically generated (recommended) string "" no
bucket_policy The S3 bucket policy to set. If empty, no policy will be set string "" no
business_unit Area of the MOJ responsible for the service string n/a yes
cors_rule cors rule any [] no
enable_allow_block_pub_access Enable whether to allow for the bucket to be blocked from public access bool true no
environment_name Environment name string n/a yes
infrastructure_support The team responsible for managing the infrastructure. Should be of the form () string n/a yes
is_production Whether this is used for production or not string n/a yes
lifecycle_rule lifecycle any [] no
log_path Set the path of the logs string "" no
log_target_bucket Set the target bucket for logs string "" no
logging_enabled Set the logging for bucket bool false no
namespace Namespace name string n/a yes
team_name Team name string n/a yes
versioning Enable object versioning for the bucket bool false no


Name Description
bucket_arn S3 bucket ARN
bucket_domain_name Regional bucket domain name
bucket_name S3 bucket name
irsa_policy_arn IAM policy ARN for access to the S3 bucket


Some of the inputs for this module are tags. All infrastructure resources must be tagged to meet the MOJ Technical Guidance on Documenting owners of infrastructure.

You should use your namespace variables to populate these. See the Usage section for more information.

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