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Minimalistic database API and JDBC bridge.

Overview of sub-projects

MiniConnect consists of several separated components:

Subproject Description
💽 impl Obvious implementations of some api pieces
🗝️ jdbc JDBC driver backed by MiniConnect
🔌 jdbc-adapter MiniConnect implementation backed by JDBC
✉️ messenger Default solution for messaging with message definitions
record Easy-to-use wrapper for result sets
📮 rest Simple REST service for MiniConnect
🖥️ server Lightweight and transparent MiniConnect server and client
🚚 transfer Simple networking framework
🛠️ util Common utilities

These gradle sub-projects can be found in the projects directory.

Getting started with the API

The biggest advantage of API decoupling is that it makes it very easy to create transparent components (proxies, loggers, mocks, and other wrappers), all that's needed is a fairly stable dependency.

Here is a minimal example:

try (MiniSession session = connectionFactory.connect()) {
    MiniResult result = session.execute("SELECT name FROM employees");
    try (MiniResultSet resultSet = result.resultSet()) {
        ImmutableList<MiniValue> row;
        while ((row = resultSet.fetch()) != null) {
            String name = row.get(0).contentAccess().get().toString();
            System.out.println("name: " + name);

See MiniConnect API for more information.

Friendly result sets with the record project

The record project provides a higher level easy-to-use wrapper over MiniResultSet. ResultTable is iterable, can convert values, etc.

This is the ResultTable version of the example above, extended with retrieving the id as an integer:

try (MiniSession session = connectionFactory.connect()) {
    MiniResult result = session.execute("SELECT id, name FROM employees");
    try (MiniResultSet resultSet = result.resultSet()) {
        for (ResultRecord row : new ResultTable(resultSet)) {
            int id = row.get(0).as(Integer.class);
            String name = row.get(1).as(String.class);
            System.out.println("id: " + id + ", name: " + name);

No prepared statements?

Following the logic of the above approach, on the client side, there is no place for a prepare() method in the API. If you want to take advantage of the performance and security gains of prepared queries, you should do so via the PREPARE FROM query. There's no point in sparing even the parsing of an EXECUTE query.

In the jdbc project there are some helper PreparedStatement providers for RDBMS backends that do not support PREPARE FROM queries. One of these implementations emulates the execution of prepared queries by using user variables (default) and another by manipulating the query. Alternatively, as a last resort, you can easily implement PREPARE FROM and EXECUTE on the server side.

Database engines

The simple session API makes it easy to make a connector to any custom database.

The rdbms-framework sub-project provides a framework for implementing a MiniConnect driver (or even a complete database engine).

HoloDB is a storage engine for rdbms-framework. It requires only a configuration file and provides an arbitrarily large database filled with random data.

JDBC compatibility

Note: one of the major goals of MiniConnect is to relieve the pains of JDBC users and implementors. **

There are built-in JDBC->MiniConnect and MiniConnect->JDBC bridges, so any tool that understands JDBC (e. g. Hibernate) can use your MiniConnect driver, and vice versa: any JDBC connection can be used via MiniConnect.

Using a MiniConnect session via JDBC:

Connection connection = new MiniJdbcConnection(miniSession, provider);

Using a JDBC connection via MiniConnect:

MiniSession session = new JdbcAdapterSession(connection, largeDataPutter);

The jdbc project provides an SPI service implementation for java.sql.Driver. You can use the following JDBC URL syntax to connect a MiniConnect server:


For example:


The default port is 3430.

Also, there is an SPI service implementation for Hibernate's org.hibernate.boot.spi.MetadataBuilderInitializer. So any MiniConnect server or session factory can be used with Hibernate without complicated configuration.

