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tiny electron

Tiny electron is a simple rich-text editor written in JavaScript, HTML, and CSS(Electron web app <EWA> made with TinyMCE 5, and CommonMark which is the markdown->HTML conversion engine). Currently in a developmental stage: use cautiously if at all!



There is no truth without pictures.


Windows 7 64-bit, or above.


  • Rich-text editor. rich-text, and markdown(plain text) editing modes.
  • Open and save files as markdown. File association / "open with" support in the native file manager for markdown format.
  • Rich-text editing mode is restricted to the formatting options of markdown and a small amount more. The rich-text features that are supported include headings, bold, italics, strikethrough, bulleted lists, numbered lists, links, block quotes, code/code blocks, tables, images, and horizontal lines. Everything else( e.g. font size, colors, alignment, positioning, etc.) is automatically filtered as soon as it enters the editor.
  • Extensive keyboard shortcuts. See for a list.


The editor is still under development and has many bugs that need to be fixed.

Due to the bidirectional conversion between rich text/HTML and markdown, the editor may alter markdown files: sometimes in undesirable ways. A number of examples are illustrative. Escapes (\) may be added to certain markdown syntax characters that aren't part of the markdown (e.g., ~, |). YAML and TOML front matter is automatically put inside of markdown code blocks (```) to prevent it from being parsed by the HTML-to-markdown conversion engine. For markdown-to-HTML conversion, tiny electron doesn't handle headerless tables. Headerless tables must at least have a | --- | --- | --- | row.

Rich-text HTML editing with the editor is solid. But, as described, the markdown functionality may have issues here and there. Hence, you've been warned: use the markdown features at your own risk!

The editor has only been tested on Electron(Google Chromium) at this time.


  • Lots of bug fixes and minor features.
  • Tabs for multiple files at once?
  • Tabs for folder/workspace and document table of contents?
  • Other things...