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Fast, simple, easy-to-use DI container


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Unbox is a fast, simple, opinionated dependency injection container, with a gentle learning curve.

To upgrade from an older (1.x) version, please see the upgrade guide.


With Composer: require mindplay/unbox


This library implements a dependency injection container with a very small footprint, a small number of concepts and a reasonably short learning curve, good performance, and quick and easy configuration relying mainly on the use of closures for IDE support.

The container is capable of resolving constructor arguments, often automatically, with as little configuration as just the class-name. It will also resolve arguments to any callable, including objects that implement __invoke(). It can also be used as a generic factory class, capable of creating any object for which the constructor arguments can be resolved - the common use-case for this is in your own factory classes, e.g. a controller factory or action dispatcher.

The container implementation is compatible with container-interop.

Quick Overview

Below, you can find a complete guide and full documentation - but to give you an idea of what this library does, let's open with a quick code sample.

For this basic example, we'll assume you have the following related types:

interface CacheInterface {
    // ...

class FileCache implements CacheInterface {
    public function __construct($path) { ... }

class UserRepository {
    public function __construct(CacheInterface $cache) { ... }

Unbox has a two-stage life-cycle. The first stage is the creation of a ContainerFactory - this class provides bootstrapping and configuration facilities. The second stage begins with a call to ContainerFactory::createFactory() which creates the actual Container instance, which provides the facilities enabling client-code to invoke functions and constructors, etc.

Let's bootstrap a ContainerFactory with those dependencies, in a "bootstrap" file somewhere:

use mindplay\unbox\ContainerFactory;

$factory = new ContainerFactory();

// register a component named "cache":
$factory->register("cache", function ($cache_path) {
    return new FileCache($cache_path);

// register "CacheInterface" as a component referencing "cache":
$factory->alias(CacheInterface::class, "cache");

// register "UserRepository" as a component:

Then configure the missing $cache_path for the cache component, add that to a "config" file somewhere:

$factory->set("cache_path", "/tmp/cache");

Now that the ContainerFactory is fully bootstrapped, we're ready to create a Container:

$container = $factory->createContainer();

In this simple example, we're now done with ContainerFactory, which can simply fall out of scope. (In more advanced scenarios, such as long-running React or PHP-PM applications, you might want to maintain a reference to ContainerFactory, so you can create a fresh Container for each request.)

You can now take your UserRepository out of the Container, either by asking for it directly:

$users = $container->get(UserRepository::class);

Or, by using a type-hinted closure for IDE support:

$container->call(function (UserRepository $users) {

To round off this quick example, let's say you have a controller:

class UserController
    public function __construct(UserRepository $users)
        // ...

    public function show($user_id, ViewEngine $view, FormHelper $form, ...)
        // ...

Using the container as a factory, you can create an instance of any controller class:

$controller = $container->create(UserController::class);

Finally, you can dispatch the show() action, with dependency injection - as a naive example, we're simply going to inject $_GET directly as parameters to the method:

$container->call([$controller, "show"], $_GET);

Using $_GET as parameters to the call, the $user_id argument to UserController:show() will be resolved as $_GET['user_id'].

That's the quick, high-level overview.


If you're already comfortable with dependency injection, and just want to know what the API looks like, below is a quick overview of the ContainerFactory API:

register(string $type)                                 # register a component (for auto-creation)
register(string $type, array $map)                     # ... with custom constructor arguments
register(string $name, string $type)                   # ... with a specific name for auto-creation
register(string $name, string $type, array $map)       # ... and custom constructor arguments
register(string $name, callable $func)                 # ... with a custom creation function
register(string $name, callable $func, array $map)     # ... and custom arguments to that closure

set(string $name, mixed $value)                        # directly insert an existing component

add(ProviderInterface $provider)                       # register a configuration provider

alias(string $new_name, string $ref_name)              # make $ref_name available as $new_name

configure(callable $func)                              # manipulate a component upon creation
configure(callable $func, array $map)                  # ... with custom arguments to the closure
configure(string $name, callable $func)                # ... for a component with a specific name
configure(string $name, callable $func, array $map)    # ... with custom arguments

ref(string $name) : BoxedValueInterface                # create a boxed reference to a component

createContainer() : Container                          # create a bootstrapped Container instance

The following provides a quick overview of the Container API:

get(string $name) : mixed                              # unbox a component
has(string $name) : bool                               # check if a component is defined/exists
isActive(string $name) : bool                          # check if a component has been unboxed

call(callable $func) : mixed                           # call any callable an inject arguments
call(callable $func, array $map) : mixed               # ... and override or add missing params

create(string $class_name) : mixed                     # invoke a constructor and auto-inject
create(string $class_name, array $map) : mixed         # ... and override or add missing params

If you're new to dependency injection, or if any of this baffles you, don't panic - everything is covered in the guide below.


The following terminology is used in the documentation below:

  • Callable: refers to the callable pseudo-type as defined in the PHP manual.

  • Component: any object or value registered in a container, whether registered by class-name, interface-name, or some other arbitrary name.

  • Singleton: when we say "singleton", we mean there's only one component with a given name within the same container instance; of course, you can have multiple container instances, so each component is a "singleton" only within the same container.

  • Dependency: in our context, we mean any registered component that is required by another component, by a constructor (when using the container as a factory) or by any callable.

Dependency Resolution

Any argument, whether to a closure being manually invoked, or to a constructor being automatically invoked as part of resolving a longer chain of dependencies, is resolved according to a consistent set of rules - in order of priority:

  1. If you provide the argument yourself, e.g. when registering a component (or configuration function, or when invoking a callable) this always takes precedence. Arguments can include boxed values, such as (typically) references to other components, and these will be unboxed as late as possible.

  2. Type-hints is the preferred way to resolve singletons, e.g. types of which you have only one instance (or one "preferred" instance) in the same container. Singletons are usually registered under their class-name, or interface-name, or sometimes both.

  3. Parameter names, e.g. components maching the precise argument name (without $) - this works only when it's safe, which it is in most cases, the only exception being constructors invoked via create() where component names in the Container happen to match parameter names in the constructor. (constructor arguments given via the $map arguments are of course safe, too.)

  4. A default parameter value, if provided, will be used as a last resort - this can be useful in cases such as function ($db_port = 3306) { ... }, which allows for optional configuration of simple values with defaults.

For dependencies resolved using type-hints, the parameter name is ignored - and vice-versa: if a dependency is resolved by parameter name, the type-hint is ignored, but will of course be checked by PHP when the function/method/constructor is invoked. Note that using type-hints either way is good practice (when possible) as this provides self-documenting configurations with IDE support.


In the following sections, we'll assume that a ContainerFactory instance is in scope, e.g.:

use mindplay\unbox\ContainerFactory;

$factory = new ContainerFactory();


The most commonly used method to bootstrap a container is register() - this is the method that lets you register a component for dependency injection.

This method generally takes one of the following forms:

register(string $type)                                 # register a component (for auto-creation)
register(string $type, array $map)                     # ... with custom constructor arguments
register(string $name, string $type)                   # ... with a specific name for auto-creation
register(string $name, string $type, array $map)       # ... and custom constructor arguments
register(string $name, callable $func)                 # ... with a custom creation function
register(string $name, callable $func, array $map)     # ... and custom arguments to that closure


  • $name is a component name
  • $type is a fully-qualified class-name
  • $map is a mixed list/map of parameters (see below)
  • $func is a custom factory function

When $type is used without $name, the component name is assumed to also be the name of the type being registered.

The $map argument is mixed list and/or map of parameters. That is, if you include parameters without keys (such as ['apple', 'pear']) these are taken as being positional arguments, while parameters with keys (such as ['lives' => 9]) are matched against the parameter name of the callable or constructor being invoked.

When supplying custom arguments via $map, it is common to use $factory->ref('name') to obtain a "boxed" reference to a component - when the registered component is created (on first use) any "boxed" arguments will be "unboxed" at that time. In other words, this enables you to supply other components as arguments "lazily", without activating them until they're actually needed.

If the callable $func is supplied, this is registered as your custom component creation function - dependency injection is done for this closure, so this is usually the best way to specify how a component should be created, if you care about IDE support. (You should!)


The following examples are all valid use-cases of the above forms:

  • register(Foo::class) registers a component by it's class-name, and will try to automatically resolve all of it's constructor arguments.

  • register(Foo::class, ['bar']) registers a component by it's class-name, and will use 'bar' as the first constructor argument, and try to resolve the rest.

  • register(Foo::class, [$factory->ref(Bar::class)]) creates a boxed reference to a registered component Bar and provides that as the first argument.

  • register(Foo::class, ['bat' => 'zap']) registers a component by it's class-name and will use 'zap' for the constructor argument named $bat, and try to resolve any other arguments.

  • register(Bar::class, Foo::class) registers a component Foo under another name Bar, which might be an interface or an abstract class.

  • register(Bar::class, Foo::class, ['bar']) same as above, but uses 'bar' as the first argument.

  • register(Bar::class, Foo::class, ['bat' => 'zap']) same as above, but, well, guess.

  • register(Bar::class, function (Foo $foo) { return new Bar(...); }) registers a component with a custom factory function.

  • register(Bar::class, function ($name) { ... }, [$factory->ref('')]); registers a component creation function with a reference to a component "" as the first argument.

In effect, you can think of $func as being an optional argument.

The provided parameter values may include any BoxedValueInterface, such as (commonly) the boxed component reference created by ContainerFactory::ref() - these will be unboxed as late as possible.


Sometimes you need to register the same component under two different names - one common use-case, is to register the same component both for a concrete and abstract type, e.g. for a class and an interface.

For example, it's ordinary to register a cache component twice:

$factory->register(CacheInterface::class, function () {
    return new FileCache();

$factory->alias("db.cache", CacheInterface::class); // "db.cache" becomes an alias!

$container = $factory->createContainer();

var_dump($container->get("db.cache") === $container->get(CacheInterface::class)); // => bool(true)

Using an alias, in this example, means that "db.cache" by default will resolve as CacheInterface, but gives us the ability to override the definition of "db.cache" with a different implementation, without affecting other components which might also be using CacheInterface as a default.

Direct Insertion

Not all dependencies are expensive to create - simple values (such as host-names and port-numbers) do not benefit from deferred initialization with register(), and instead should be inserted into the container directly:

$factory->set("", "localhost");
$factory->set("db.port", "12345");

Another common use-case for set() is to inject objects for which you can't defer creation.


To override an existing component, simply call register() with an already-registered component name - this will completely replace an existing component definition.

Note that overriding a component does not affect any registered configuration functions - it is therefore important that, if you do override a component, the new component must be compatible with the replaced component. Configuration in general is covered below.


To perform additional configuration of a registered component, use the configure() method.

This method takes one of the following forms:

configure(callable $func)
configure(callable $func, array $map)
configure(string $name, callable $func)
configure(string $name, callable $func, array $map)


  • $name is the name of a component being configured
  • $func is a function that configures the component in some way
  • $map is a mixed list/map of parameters (as explained above)

The callable $func will be called with dependency injection - the first argument of this function is the component being configured; you should type-hint it (if possible, for IDE support) although you're not strictly required to. Any additional arguments will be resolved as well.

The optional array $map is a mixed list/map of parameters, as covered above.

If no $name is supplied, the first argument from the given $func is used to infer the component name from the type-hint.

As an example, let's say you've configured a PDO component:

$factory->register(PDO::class, function ($db_host, $db_name, $db_user, $db_password) {
    $connection = "mysql:host={$db_host};dbname={$db_name}";

    return new PDO($connection, $db_user, $db_password);

In a configuration file, simple values like $db_host can be inserted directly, e.g. with $factory->set("db_host", "localhost") - but suppose you need to do something after the connection is created? Here's where configure() comes into play:

$factory->configure(function (PDO $db) {
    $db->exec("SET NAMES utf8");

Note that, in this example, configure() will infer the component name "PDO" from the type-hint - in a scenario with multiple named PDO instances, you must explicitly specify the component name as the first argument, e.g.:

$factory->configure("logger.pdo", function (PDO $db) {
    $db->exec("SET NAMES utf8");
Property or Setter Injection

This library doesn't support neither property nor setter injection, but both can be accomplished by just doing those things in a call to configure() - for example:

$factory->configure(function (Connection $db, LoggerInterface $logger) {

In this example, upon first use of Connection, a dependency LoggerInterface will be unboxed and injected via setter-injection. (We believe this approach is much safer than offering a function that accepts the method-name as an argument - closures are more powerful, much safer, and provide full IDE support, inspections, automated refactoring, etc.)


You can use configure() to modify values (such as strings, numbers or arrays) in the container.

For example, let's say you have a middleware stack defined as an array:

$factory->set("app.middleware", function () {
    return [new RouterMiddleware, new NotFoundMiddleware];

If you need to append to the stack, you can do this:

$factory->configure("app.middleware", function ($middleware) {
    $middleware[] = new CacheMiddleware();

    return $middleware;

Note the return statement - this is what causes the value to get updated in the container.


The decorator pattern is another pattern that can be implemented with configure() - for example, lets say you bootstrapped your container with a product repository implementation and interface:

$factory->register(ProductRepository::class, function () { ... });

$factory->alias(ProductRepositoryInterface::class, ProductRepository::class);

Now lets say you implement a cached product repository decorator - you can bootstrap this by creating and returning the decorator instance like this:

$factory->configure(function (ProductRepositoryInterface $repo) {
    return new CachedProductRepository($repo);

Note that, when replacing components in this manner, of course you must be certain that the replacement has a type that can pass a type-check in the recipient constructor or method.

Packaged Providers

You can package a set of register() and configure() calls for convenient reuse, by implementing ProviderInterface - for example:

class MyProvider implements ProviderInterface
    public function register(ContainerFactory $factory)
        // ...

You can then easily bootstrap your projects with providers, e.g.:

$factory->add(new MyProvider);
$factory->add(new TestDependenciesProvider);
$factory->add(new DevelopmentDebugProvider);
// ...

Providers of course can also call ContainerFactory::add() to bootstrap other providers - with this in mind, you can make e.g. development or production setup for your app as easy as calling e.g. $container->add(new DevelopmentProvider) to provide complete bootstrapping for a quick development setup. Even if somebody wanted to override some of the registrations in e.g. your default development setup, they can of course still do that, e.g. by calling register() again to override components as needed.


Consuming the contents of a container by simply pulling components out of it can seem very convenient, and is therefore tempting - but usually wrong! You should inform yourself about the difference and avoid using the container as a service locator.

Rule of Thumb:

Never use a Container to look up a component's own direct dependencies.

Conversely, using a Container to look up dependencies on behalf of other components is usually okay.

In the following sections, we'll assume that a Container instance is in scope, e.g.:

$factory = new ContainerFactory();

// ... bootstrapping ...

$container = $factory->createContainer();

The most basic form of component access, is a direct lookup:

$cache = $container->get(CacheInterface::class);
$db_name = $container->get("db_name");

The more indirect form of component access, is an indirect lookup, by resolving parameters:

$container->call(function (CacheInterface $cache, $db_name) {
    // ...

The result in these two examples, is the same - but it's important to note that, in the call() example, the two arguments are being resolved in two different ways: the CacheInterface param is resolved by class-name, whereas the $db_name param is being resolved by parameter name.

The latter only works because the $db_name component is registered under that precise name - if it had been registered under a name such as "", the container would be unable to resolve this argument automatically; instead, you would have had to write:

$container->call(function (CacheInterface $cache, $name) {
    // ...
}, ["name" => $container->ref("")]);

Note that call() will accept any type of callable.

Factory Facet

The create() method can be used to invoke a constructor, to create an instance of any class, on demand.

An important thing to understand, is that e.g. register() and configure() have no bearing on this functionality - the purpose of this method, is to create instance of types that aren't registered as components in the container, but (likely) have dependencies which can be provided by the container.

Controllers are a great example - you most likely don't want to register every individual controller class as a component in the container; rather, you probably want a controller factory, capable of creating any controller.

As an example, here's a simple implementation of a controller factory that resolves the typical "foo/bar" route string as e.g. FooController::bar() - like so:

class Action
    public function __construct(Controller $controller, $action, array $params) { ... }

class ControllerFactory
    /** @var FactoryInterface */
    private $factory;

    public function __construct(FactoryInterface $factory) { ... }

    public function create($route, array $params)
        list($controller_name, $action_name) = explode("/", $route);

        $controller_class = ucfirst($controller_name) . "Controller";

        $controller = $this->factory->create($controller_class);

        return new Action($controller, $action_name, $params);

Note the FactoryInterface type-hint in the constructor - in situations where you only care about using the container as a factory, you should type-hint against this facet.


You can inspect the state of components in a container using has() and isActive().

To check if a component is defined, use has() - for example:

var_dump($container->has("foo")); // => bool(false)

$container->set("foo", "bar");

var_dump($container->has("foo")); // => bool(true)

Whether a component is directly inserted with set(), or defined using register(), the has() method will return true.

To check if a component has been activated, use isActive() - for example:

$container->register("foo", function () { return "bar"; });

var_dump($container->isActive("foo")); // => bool(false)

$foo = $container->get("foo"); // component activates on first use

var_dump($container->isActive("foo")); // => bool(true)

A component is considered "active" when it has been used for the first time - components may get activated directly by calls to get(), or may get indirectly activated by cascading activation of dependencies.


Less is more. We support only what's actually necessary to create beautiful architecture - we do not provide a wealth of "convenience" features to support patterns we wouldn't use, or patterns that aren't very common and can easily be implemented with the features we do provide.


  • Productivity-oriented - favoring heavy use of closures for full IDE support: refactoring-friendly definitions with auto-complete support, inspections and so on.

  • Performance-oriented only to the extent that it doesn't encumber the API.

  • Versatile - supporting many different options for registration and configuration using the same, low number of public methods, including value modifications, decorators, etc.

  • Zero configuration - we don't include any optional features or configurable behavior: the container always behaves consistently, with the same predictable performance and interoperability.

  • PHP 5.5+ for ::class support, and because you really shouldn't be using anything older.


  • NO annotations - because sprinkling bits of your container configuration across your domain model is a really terrible idea.

  • NO auto-wiring - because $container->register(Foo::name) isn't a burden, and explicitly designates something as being a service; unintentionally treating a non-singleton as a singleton can be a weird experience.

  • NO caching - because configuring a container really shouldn't be so much overhead as to justify the need for caching. Unbox is fast.

  • NO property/setter injections because it blurs your dependencies - use constructor injection, and for optional dependencies, use optional constructor arguments; you don't, after all, need to count the number of arguments anymore, since everything will be injected. (if you do have a good reason to inject something via properties or setters, you can do that from inside a closure, in a call to configure(), with full IDE support.)

  • NO syntax - we don't invent or parse any special string syntax, anywhere, period. Any problem that can be solved with custom syntax can also be solved with clean, simple PHP code.

  • No chainable API, because call chains (in PHP) don't play nice with source-control.

  • All registered components are singletons - we do not support factory registrations; if you need to register a factory, the proper way to do that, is to either implement an actual factory class (which is usually better in the long run), or register the factory closure itself as a named component.


This is not intended as a competitive benchmark, but more to give you an idea of the performance implications of choosing from three very different DI containers with very different goals and different qualities - from the smallest and simplest to the largest and most ambitious:

  • pimple is as simple as a DI container can get, with absolutely no bell and whistles, and barely any learning curve.

  • unbox with just a few classes (just over 300 source lines) and a few interfaces - more concepts than pimple (and therefore a bit more learning curve) and convenient closure injections, which are somewhat more costly in terms of performance.

  • php-di is a pristine dependency injection framework with all the bells and whistles - rich with features, but also has more concepts and learning curve, and more overhead.

The included simple benchmark generates the following benchmark results on a Windows 10 system running PHP 5.6.12.

Time to configure the container:

pimple ........ 0.098 msec ....... 72.31% ......... 1.00x
unbox ......... 0.106 msec ....... 77.98% ......... 1.08x
php-di ........ 0.136 msec ...... 100.00% ......... 1.38x

Time to resolve the dependencies in the container, on first access:

pimple ........ 0.026 msec ....... 10.88% ......... 1.00x
unbox ......... 0.055 msec ....... 23.59% ......... 2.17x
php-di ........ 0.234 msec ...... 100.00% ......... 9.19x

Time for multiple subsequent lookups:

pimple: 3 repeated resolutions ........ 0.028 msec ....... 11.68% ......... 1.00x
unbox: 3 repeated resolutions ......... 0.058 msec ....... 24.04% ......... 2.06x
php-di: 3 repeated resolutions ........ 0.243 msec ...... 100.00% ......... 8.56x

pimple: 5 repeated resolutions ........ 0.028 msec ....... 11.60% ......... 1.00x
unbox: 5 repeated resolutions ......... 0.062 msec ....... 25.64% ......... 2.21x
php-di: 5 repeated resolutions ........ 0.242 msec ...... 100.00% ......... 8.62x

pimple: 10 repeated resolutions ....... 0.040 msec ....... 15.60% ......... 1.00x
unbox: 10 repeated resolutions ........ 0.069 msec ....... 27.02% ......... 1.73x
php-di: 10 repeated resolutions ....... 0.256 msec ...... 100.00% ......... 6.41x

With Unbox, the time needed to resolve a component under PHP 7.x is around 8-10 times less than under PHP 5.6.12.