Convert json to html tags and angular compile data
clone repository
git clone
Add script after your angular import
<script src="./ng-json-html/ngJsonHtml.js"></script>
Import module on angular app
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ng-json-html']);
create your json tree
$scope.myJson = { "h1|.[bg-warning]|#[title]":"{{ nameVar }}", "div|ng-if=[nameVar != 'Hello World']":{ "h4":'Sub Item', 'p':"Descrição etc e tal" }, 'ul|.[list-group]':[ {'li|.[list-group-item]': { "a":"item 1", "i|.[fa fa-plus]":"icon"} }, {'li|.[list-group-item]':"item 2"} ] };
Set dynamic attribute on your content div
<div dynamic="myjson">\</div>
Object key: { "|||.." }
.[] = class=""
#[] = id=""
@[] = href=""
[] can be defined normaly =""
Object keys of json need to be unique in the same level of tree. Define a id or class to be unique in this case:
{ "div|#[1]": "my div", "div|#[2]": "my div 2" }
Ulisses Mantovani
[email protected]