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If you're currently reading this README file in Markdown format, it has been generated through org-export, from its original org format. For the best experience, please consider reading the org format file instead.

NOTE: This configuration requires Emacs 30 or later. For compatibility with earlier versions, please use the emacs-29-compat branch.


Blazing fast.

With TTY starting in 0.23 seconds on a MacBook Air (M1, 2020), 0.73 seconds on a VPS with a 1-core CPU and 1 GB RAM, and 0.21 seconds on WSL with Intel i7 CPU and 32 GB RAM, TTY is exceptionally fast. The GUI is just as quick, starting in 0.40 seconds on Mac M1 and 0.30 seconds on WSLg.


Package versions are locked and under version control, so no breaking changes are expected.


This configuration works well on both TTY and GUI. Compatibility on TTY is not compromised, while GUI features, including xwidget, are also well-configured.

Feature rich

A blazing fast startup speed doesn't mean it is a lite and minimal configuration. Instead, it is "heavy" and feature rich, including:

  • A modern minibuffer completion experience powered by vertico+consult+orderless+embark+marginalia family bucket.

  • Modal editing ecosystem everywhere, powered by evil and many other extensions.

  • A keybinding scheme centered around leader and localleader keys, powered by general and which-key.

  • In-buffer autocompletion frontend based on company

  • Code completion and navigation based on eglot (LSP) and citre (Ctags).

  • Integration with eglot and org-babel or markdown-mode that takes literate programming to the next level.

Be wild

Randomly select a theme from a curated list each time you start up and automatically switches between day and night themes at scheduled time. Additionally, the displayed verses on the welcome screen is also randomized with each launch. Have a fresh experience at every time. Be casual and wild!


Welcome screen

The welcome screen displays two randomly chosen verses from my carefully chosen collection. This serves as a scratch buffer where you can perform Lisp evaluations. Frequently used commands are also listed, allowing for convenient execution by simply typing the hint key.

Code Navigation

Making use of LSP and Ctags, navigating code is a breeze. The file tree is displayed on the leftmost window through dired-sidebar, and the bottom right window showcases the references of a selected symbol via LSP find references (the Emacs command is xref-find-references). In the central floating window, a preview of the definition of the chosen symbol is displayed with the aid of ctags (the Emacs command is citre-peek).

Data Science

A typical workflow in data science involves multiple components. The top right window showcases an embedded xwidget widget that displays the HTML visualization created via plotly. In the bottom left window rests the R REPL console where you can send your code for execution. Meanwhile, the bottom right window features a chatgpt REPL console (via aichat). I specify the aichat mode as exp-code-e to prompt chatgpt to provide an explanation of the code you sent.


Write prose in orgmode, and export it into reveal.js presentation. The right window displays the HTML slides using xwidget webkit. Preview slides in emacs without the need to open GUI browser anymore.

Email Setup

I use notmuch as my email client. For a comprehensive overview of my email setup, please refer to the file located in the current directory.


[#B] Report org-capture bugs when inserting entries into table to upstream.

[#B] Utilize the contextual information from previous code block when editing source block within markdown/org.

[#C] Lazily load third-party plugins for evil.

[#C] Configure evil-args to use spaces as argument delimiter for emacs-lisp-mode.


  • This configuration is designed for Emacs 29 or newer versions.
  • Your Emacs must be built with Treesitter support for this configuration to work effectively. If you are using a widely used package manager, and said manager has updated Emacs to version 29 or later, it's highly probable that Treesitter is already built into the Emacs version provided via the package manager. We advise verifying the package specifications for exact details if you choose to leverage a package manager-built Emacs.
  • A separate installation is required for Treesitter grammar. You can execute the command M-x mg-treesit-install-all-language-grammar to install all the language grammars that are currently in use.

External Dependencies

This configuration requires the following core dependencies:

  • A C compiler for building the treesitter grammar
  • universal-ctags
  • ripgrep

There are also additional language-specific dependencies only required when working with specific languages. These typically include language servers, formatters, and linters. For instance, you would need basedpyright, debugpy, black, and ipython for python.


  • It is recommended to use the mailing list ~northyear/[email protected].
  • Alternatively, you are also welcome to open a Github issue.


My personal emacs configuration







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