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Chapter 4: 26 bit counter

Examples of this chapter in github
We'll model our first sequential circuit: a counter, connected to the LEDs. Sequential circuits, unlike the combinational ones, store information. The counter stores a number that increases with every tic of the clock.
Our component looks like this. It's updated every rising edge of the clock signal, and it's "data" output is a 26-bit bus.
iCEstick board's clock signal oscillates at 12Mhz. If we made a counter with only 4 bits, and connect those bit to the LEDs; with that clock frequency they will change so fast that we'll always see the LEDs on. That's why we will use a 26-bit counter, and output the 4 most significant bits through the LEDs.
The counter has a clk input which is a wire, and a 26-bit output that returns the value of the counter. This output is a 26-bit register which stores the current counter value.
//-- Input: clock signal
//-- Output: 26-bit counter
module counter(input clk, output [25:0] data);
wire clk;
//-- Output is 26-bit bus, initialized at 0
reg [25:0] data = 0;
//-- Sensitive to rising edge
always @(posedge clk) begin
//-- Incrementar el registro
data <= data + 1;
The behaviour of the component is described inside the always @(posedge clk) block, that line indicates that everything described within this block, will be evaluated each time a rising edge comes in, from the clk signal. When a rising edge arrives, the data register is incremented by 1, (and is output, through the component's output).
Every counter, regardless of the amount of bits it has, is built this way. If we want it to have 20 bits, we just have to change the 25 number to 19 in the data register definition.
The 4 most significant bits, (data[25], data[24], data[23] and data[22]) will be connected to the pins of the FPGA that are connected to the LEDs. The iCEstick clock comes from pin 21, so we'll connect that to the clk signal of our counter.
The connection between our component and the pins in our FPGA is established in our counter.pcf file:
set_io data[25] 96
set_io data[24] 97
set_io data[23] 98
set_io data[22] 99
set_io clk 21
We synthesize as always:
$ make sint
The used resources are:
Resource | usage |
PIOs | 14 / 96 |
PLBs | 6 / 160 |
BRAMs | 0 / 16 |
To test it, we upload it into the FPGA as always:
$ sudo iceprog counter.bin
We can see the counter functioning in this Youtube video:
The testbench is made of 4 (parallel) elements, connected by wires. The diagram would be the following:
There's a clock generator that produces a square signal, to increment the counter. The counter's output is checked by two different components: One makes the initial check, verifying that it starts at 0. The second has an internal variable that increases with every rising edge of the clock, and it's output is checked against the counter's output, to verify that indeed it is counting. Because it's a 26-bit counter, we won't check through all the 67108864 values, we will stop the simulation after 100 time units.
The verilog code would be:
//-- counter_tb.v
module counter_tb();
//-- Register for generating the clock signal
reg clk = 0;
//-- Counter's output data
wire [25:0] data;
//-- Register for checking if the counter is counting properly
reg [25:0] counter_check = 1;
//-- Instantiating the counter
counter C1(
//-- Clock generator. 2 unit period
always #1 clk = ~clk;
//-- Counter value check
//-- Upon each rising edge, the counter's output is checked
//-- and it's incremented by the expected value
always @(negedge clk) begin
if (counter_check != data)
$display("-->ERROR!. Expected: %d. Read: %d",counter_check, data);
counter_check <= counter_check + 1;
//-- Begin process
initial begin
//-- File for storing the results
$dumpvars(0, counter_tb);
//-- Reset check.
# 0.5 if (data != 0)
$display("ERROR! Counter is not 0!");
$display("Counter initialized. OK.");
# 99 $display("END of simulation");
# 100 $finish;
It's important to note that all these components are working in parallel, all at once (the code is NOT sequential). Because of that, changing the order these elements are written would lead to the same result.
To simulate, we'll execute:
$ make sim
Indeed the counter is counting. The image shows only the first values, but if you scroll the signal you can see until time unit 100.
- Changing the counter from 26 to 24 bits, so LEDs flicker more rapidly.
0 You are leaving the privative sector (EN)
1 ¡Hola mundo! (EN) (RU)
2 De un bit a datos (EN)
3 Puerta NOT (EN)
4 Contador de 26 bits (EN)
5 Prescaler de N bits (EN)
6 Múltiples prescalers (EN)
7 Contador de 4 bits con prescaler (EN)
8 Registro de 4 bits (EN)
9 Inicializador (EN)
10 Registro de desplazamiento (EN)
11 Multiplexor de 2 a 1 (EN)
12 Multiplexor de M a 1 (EN)
13 Inicializando registros (EN)
14 Registro de N bits con reset síncrono
15 Divisor de frecuencias
16 Contador de segundos
17 Generando tonos audibles
18 Tocando notas
19 Secuenciando notas
20 Comunicaciones serie asíncronas
21 Baudios y transmisión
22 Reglas de diseño síncrono
23 Controladores y autómatas finitos
24 Unidad de transmisión serie asíncrona
25 Unidad de recepción serie asíncrona
26 Memoria ROM
27 Memoria ROM genérica
28 Memoria RAM
29 Puertas triestado
30 Hacia el microprocesador y más allá