Experience an Issue?
- Review the Known Issues to find a workaround.
- If the issue is new then create a Github issue.
- Tested on Neovim 0.10.0.
- nvim-cmp
- Add to your Neovim package manager's configuration. See specific steps below.
- Update your cmp-nvim configuration.
nvim-cmp configuration for all file types.
sources = {
{ name = 'cmp_rolodex' }
nvim-cmp configuration for select file types.
require('cmp').setup.filetype('org', {
sources = {
{ name = 'cmp_rolodex' }
lazy configuration for all file types.
lazy = true,
event = { "BufReadPost", "BufNewFile" },
opts = {} -- see configuration docs for details
lazy configuration for select file types.
lazy = true,
event = {
"BufReadPost *.org", "BufNewFile *.org",
"BufReadPost *.md", "BufNewFile *.md",
opts = {} -- see configuration docs for details
opts = {
prefix_char = "@",
db_filename = os.getenv("HOME") .. "/.rolodex/db.json"),
highlight_enabled = true,
highlight_color = "00ffff",
highlight_bold = true
(str) is the character that triggers autocomplete.
(str) is the location where your contacts are stored.
(bool) is a flag indicating whether highlighting of names is enabled.
(str) is a hex color code indicating what color names should be highlighted as.
(bool) is a flag indicating whether highlighted names should be bolded.
- Delete contacts.
- Update contacts.
- Grep files by contact name.
This appears to happen when you add contacts and then query them in the same session. A workaround is to exit and re-launch Neovim.
This appears to happen when lazy loading with Lazy.nvim. A workaround is to set lazy = false
in opts.
- Only highlighting is affected here. Other functionality is unaffected.
This appears to happen when a new org-roam file is created via org-roam-capture. This resolves when Neovim is restarted.
- Only highlighting is affected here. Other functionality is unaffected.