I'm Michał Szczygieł and that's beginning of my IT career adventure. 😄
const michalszc = {
pronouns: "He" | "Him", // 👦
code: ["Javascript", "TypeScript", "Python", "PHP"], // ⌨️
askMeAbout: ["web dev", "tech", "app dev", "electronic music"], // ❓
technologies: {
frontEnd : {
js : [ "React" ]
backEnd: {
js: [ "Node", "Express" ]
databases: [ "MongoDB", "MySql" ],
}, // ⚙️
architecture: [ "Progressive web applications", "Single page applications" ], // 💻
currentFocus: "Currently working on a game for mobile devices in Unity", // 🎯
education: {
currentlyStudying: true,
university: "AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland",
faculty: "Electrical Engineering, Automatics, Computer Science and Biomedical Engineering",
fieldOfStudy: "Computer Science and Intelligent Systems"
}, // 🎓
hobbies : [
"Electronic music 🎧",
"Playing games 🎮",
"Mountain hiking ⛰️"
funFact: "My surname = bird specie" // 🐦
- Feel free to contact with me at any time, on GitHub
- My contact mail: [email protected]
- My university mail: [email protected]