This is an old project I did when I was more interested in This was a simple implementation of in ReasonML, mostly inspired by the F# version. I was trying to get the same code to compile to native code, as well as with js_of_ocaml and bucklescript.
I stopped working on it as the reason-native projects seemed to stall (both facebook repos and revery), and I generally didn't have anything to use it with. If I was doing this now I would only target rescript, or just use a newer version of the quickcheck module which includes the hedgehog-style automatic shrinking. I still think Rescript is a really good language, I'd choose it any day over typescript!
js_of_ocaml build doesn't work any more, and I'm not sure why.
This used to build with bucklescript, but doesn't any more with rescript:
Signature mismatch: ... Values do not match: let mempty: array('_weak1) is not included in let mempty: t('a)
the definition in question:
let mempty: t('a);
and the implementation:
let mempty = [||];
This is 'obviously correct' but for some reason it broke in a more recent release of buckescript/rescript. There's also a couple of other issues with the 'Obj' library which seem to have changed.
The 'esy' build still works.
This uses some code from facebook's reason-native project
npm install -g esy
git clone <this-repo>
esy install
esy build
After building the project, you can run the main binary that is produced.
esy x ReasonmlHedgehogApp.exe
# Runs the "test" command in `package.json`.
esy test
npm install
npm run build
Completely ridiculous, depends on how you build it
esy @js install
esy @js b refmterr dune build --root . -j 3 --verbose
esy @js run