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edwardlavender committed Oct 2, 2024
1 parent 5af629a commit bbe1141
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Showing 2 changed files with 192 additions and 0 deletions.
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions Julia/src/model-observation.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# (TEMPORARY) ModelObsAcousticContainer structure & methods

struct ModelObsAcousticContainer <: Patter.ModelObs

function Patter.logpdf_obs(state::State, model::ModelObsAcousticContainer, t::Int64, obs::Int64)
# Calculate distance between particle (state) and receiver
dist = Patter.distance(state.x, state.y, model.receiver_x, model.receiver_y)
# Only particles within max_dist are permitted
# * max_dist is a pre-calculated field in model
# * (max_dist = receiver_gamma + (receiver_timestep - t) * mobility)
ifelse(dist <= model.max_dist, 0.0, -Inf)
175 changes: 175 additions & 0 deletions src/model-observation.R
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@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
# (Temporary) ModelObsAcousticContainer R wrappers from patter-flapper

#' Identify the receiver that recorded the next detection
# This function is modified from .acs_setup_obs_receiver_id_next()
# Source:
list_sensor_id_next <- function(.sensor_id) {
dt <- data.table(sensor_id = .sensor_id)
dt$sensor_id[sapply(dt$sensor_id, is.null)] <- list(NA_integer_)
out <-
dt |>
mutate(sensor_id_next = dplyr::lead(.data$sensor_id),
sensor_id_next = zoo::na.locf(.data$sensor_id_next,
fromLast = TRUE,
na.rm = FALSE)) |>
out$sensor_id_next[nrow(out)][[1]] <- NA_integer_

#' Assemble the acoustic containers dataset
# * The default threshold is the length of of the map (metres)
assemble_acoustics_containers <- function(.acoustics,
.threshold = 10000) {

# Define test arguments:
# .acoustics = copy(tmp)
# .direction = "backward"
# .mobility = 750
# .threshold = 10000

# Handle inputs
# .direction <- match.arg(.direction)
stopifnot(.direction %in% c("forward", "backward"))
acoustics <- copy(.acoustics)

# Define the timeline
# * If .direction == "forward", time_index runs from 1:1440
# * If .direction == "backward", time_index runs from 1440:1
# * Using time index to sort the time series sorts the data forwards or backwards in time
# * We can then use the same code to define acoustic containers
# * ... for a forward or backward filter run
# * (On the forward run, the 'next' detection should reflect the next detection)
# * (On the backward run, the 'next' detection should be the previous detection, to be useful)
step <- patter:::diffstep(sort(unique(acoustics$timestamp)))
timestamps <- seq(min(.acoustics$timestamp),
by = step)
timeline <- data.table(timestamp = timestamps)
if (.direction == "forward") {
timeline <-
timeline |>
mutate(time_index = dense_rank(timestamp)) |>
} else if (.direction == "backward") {
timeline <-
timeline |>
mutate(time_index = dense_rank(desc(timestamp))) |>

# Define moorings (e.g., receiver coordinates)
moorings <-
acoustics |>
group_by(.data$sensor_id) |>
slice(1L) |>
ungroup() |>

# Define detections
detections <-
acoustics |>
filter(.data$obs == 1L) |>
group_by(.data$timestamp) |>
# List receivers with detections at each time step
summarise(sensor_id = list(unique(.data$sensor_id))) |>
ungroup() |>
arrange(.data$timestamp) |>
# Define detection_id(s)
mutate(detection_id = as.integer(dplyr::row_number())) |>
select("timestamp", "sensor_id", "detection_id") |>

# Define a regular timeline of the sensors that recorded detections
# * For each time stamp, we have:
# - A list of sensor_id that recorded detection(s) at that time stamp
# - A list of sensor_id_next that recorded the next detection(s)
# - max_dist_mobility, which defines the max moveable distance of the individual from those receivers
acoustics <-
# Add the list of sensor_id(s) and detection_id(s)
timeline |>
merge(detections, all.x = TRUE, by = "timestamp") |>
# Carry the last detection_id forward, so if:
# ... there are no detections at a given time step (detection_id = NA)
# ... we carry forward the detection_id from the last time step
# ... (i.e., that group of time steps belongs to the same detection)
# ... This is required to define max_dist_mobility, below.
arrange(.data$time_index) |>
mutate(detection_id = as.integer(data.table::nafill(.data$detection_id, type = "locf"))) |>
# The individual may be within receiver_gamma + (.mobility * time steps) from the next sensor
group_by(.data$detection_id) |>
arrange(.data$time_index, .by_group = TRUE) |>
mutate(max_dist_mobility = .mobility * rev(dplyr::row_number())) |>
ungroup() |>
# At each time step, list the receivers that recorded the 'next' detection
# * For forward filter runs, the 'next' detection is the next detection
# * For backward filter runs, the 'next' detection is the previous detection
arrange(.data$time_index) |>
mutate(sensor_id_next = list_sensor_id_next(.data$sensor_id)) |>

# View(acoustics[, .(timestamp, detection_id, sensor_id, sensor_id_next, max_dist_mobility)])

# Define acoustic containers dataset
# * The contains the following columns:
# - timestamp (required)
# - sensor_id
# - obs (nominally 1, unused)
# - receiver_x, receiver_y, max_dist (the additionally required ModelObs structure parameters)
containers <-
acoustics |>
mutate(obs = 1L) |>
select("timestamp", "obs", sensor_id = "sensor_id_next", "max_dist_mobility") |>
tidyr::unnest(cols = "sensor_id") |>
arrange(.data$timestamp, .data$sensor_id) |>
mutate(receiver_x = moorings$receiver_x[match(.data$sensor_id, moorings$sensor_id)],
receiver_y = moorings$receiver_y[match(.data$sensor_id, moorings$sensor_id)],
# We assume that receiver_gamma is constant in time for each receiver for convenience
receiver_gamma = moorings$receiver_gamma[match(.data$sensor_id, moorings$sensor_id)],
max_dist = .data$receiver_gamma + .data$max_dist_mobility) |>
select("timestamp", "obs", "sensor_id", "receiver_x", "receiver_y", "max_dist") |>
filter(! & ! |>
# For speed, we only implement acoustic containers
# ... when the distance an individual must be from a receiver is < .threshold
# ... (e.g., threshold may be the size of the study area)
filter(max_dist < .threshold) |>

# Checks
if (FALSE) {
if (.direction == "forward") {

# On the forward run, the first detection is:
detections[1, ]
# As we approach the first detection, max_dist should shrink
# ... & at the time stamp immediately preceding the detection,
# ... max_dist should be receiver_gamma + mobility
containers[timestamp < detections$timestamp[1], ]

} else if (.direction == "backward") {

# On the backward run, the first detection is effectively:
detections[.N, ]

# As we approach this detection, moving backwards in time, max_detection should shrink:
# ... & at the time stamp immediately preceding (after!) the detection,
# ... max_dist should be receiver_gamma + mobility
containers[timestamp > detections$timestamp[nrow(detections)], ]


# Visualise the detections & containers data.table
# Pick an example detection
# In containers, work towards (forward or backward) to that time & check values
# View(detections); View(containers)

# Return the dataset


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