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edwardlavender committed Oct 22, 2024
1 parent 4a2b563 commit 7e8fd94
Showing 1 changed file with 166 additions and 0 deletions.
166 changes: 166 additions & 0 deletions analyses/patter-02_exploration.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
#### patter-exploration

#### Aims
# 1) Examine simulated datasets for patter

#### Prerequisites
# 1) patter-setup.R

#### Setup

#### Wipe workspace
rm(list = ls())
# try(pacman::p_unload("all"), silent = TRUE)

#### Essential packages
library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)

#### Load data
# map <- terra::rast(here_input("map.tif"))
map_len <- qs::qread(here_input("map_len.qs"))
start <- qs::qread(here_input("start.qs"))
paths <- qs::qread(here_input("paths.qs"))
moorings <- qs::qread(here_input("moorings.qs"))
detections <- qs::qread(here_input("detections.qs"))
metadata <- qs::qread(here_input("metadata.qs"))

#### Examine movements

#### Movement simulation
# Paths were simulated via glatos::crw_in_polygon() which calls glatos::crw()
# *
# *
# Step length in {trms_time} given {mvt_speed} is {mvt_speed} (m/s) * {trms_time} (s)
# heading_{t = 1} = Uniform(0, 360)
# heading_{t > 1} = Normal(0, meta$theta) + cumsum(heading{t = 1, ..., t})
# Angles updated every {mvt_time} (s) / {trms_time} (s) time steps
# (Internally glatos enlarges the SD if the simulation steps outside the polygon!)

#### Compute path metrics (~1.25 mins with 12 cl)
# `complete_simulated_transmissions_regions.rds` contains the 'full' path @ resolution of 127 s
# We can use this to conveniently check the distribution of step lengths & turning angles
# > Each simulated path was 5000 steps
# > Each step was 500 m
# > During a step, velocity was set to different values
# > Hence, steps lasted different durations (500 / velocity)

paths_metrics <-
cl_lapply(unique(paths$sim_id), .cl = 12L, .fun = function(id) {

path_metrics <-
paths |>
lazy_dt() |>
filter(sim_id == id) |>
select(sim_id, date = timestamp, x, y) |> |>
bayesmove::prep_data(coord.names = c("x", "y"), id = "sim_id") |>
select(sim_id, timestamp = date, x, y, step, angle, dt) |>

if (FALSE) {
unique(diff(path_metrics$date)) # time stamps evenly spaced
unique(path_metrics$step) # step lengths not exactly equal
hist(path_metrics$step) # but most step lengths are correct
unique(path_metrics$angle) # angles (radians)


}) |> rbindlist()

#### Examine step lengths (~2 mins)
# This is a quick way of generating an approximately suitable model across all individuals
steps <- paths_metrics$step[!$step)]
# 114.355
spar <- MASS::fitdistr(steps, "gamma")
step_shape <- spar$estimate["shape"] |> as.numeric()
step_scale <- 1 / spar$estimate["rate"] |> as.numeric()
mobility <- 115
# shape rate
# 1.494954e+00 5.714505e-02
# (6.233589e-04) (2.822856e-05)
hist(steps, prob = TRUE)
curve(dgamma(x, shape = step_shape, scale = step_scale),
lwd = 3, add = TRUE)

#### Examine turning angles
# This is a quick way of generating an approximately suitable model across all individuals
angles <- paths_metrics$angle[!$angle)]
apar <- MASS::fitdistr(angles, "normal")
angle_mean <- apar$estimate["mean"] |> as.numeric()
angle_sd <- apar$estimate["sd"] |> as.numeric()
# mean sd
# -4.278476e-05 1.362498e-01
# ( 4.416044e-05) ( 3.122614e-05)
hist(angles, prob = TRUE)
curve(dnorm(x, mean = angle_mean, sd = angle_sd),
lwd = 3, add = TRUE)

#### Examine observations

#### Examine detection range (~2 s)
# > Compute the detection distances (ddists) between individuals & receivers at moment of detection

ddists <-
cl_lapply(split(paths, paths$sim_id), function(path) {

# path <- split(paths, paths$sim_id)[[1]]

# Combine detections with receiver coordinates
ddist <- merge(detections, moorings, by = "receiver_id")

# At the moment of detection, add individual location
ddist <- merge(ddist, path, by = "timestamp")

# Compute distances between individual and receiver
ddist |>
select("timestamp", "receiver_x", "receiver_y", "x", "y") |>
mutate(dist = terra::distance(cbind(ddist$receiver_x, ddist$receiver_y),
cbind(ddist$x, ddist$y), pairwise = TRUE, lonlat = FALSE)) |>

}) |> rbindlist()

# The maximum detection range in the simulated study system:
# 3236.828
receiver_gamma <- 3240

#### Save outputs

parameters <-
list(model_move = list(step = list(shape = step_shape, scale = step_scale),
angle = list(mean = angle_mean, sd = angle_sd)),
model_obs = list(receiver_gamma = receiver_gamma))

qs::qsave(parameters, here_input("parameters.qs"))

#### End of code.

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