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- CrateDB - A distributed SQL Database
- cr8 - CLI collection of utilities for working with CrateDB or PostgreSQL. Benchmark queries, insert data.
- knx - Python knx / eib client library
- mkjson - A commandline tool to generate static or random JSON records
- hprofdap - Debug adapter that allows to inspect Java heap dumps (.hprof files) via OQL
- dapconfig-schema - JSON Schema for .vscode/launch.json debug configuration files
- nlua - Neovim as Lua interpreter
- nvim-dap - A debugger/neovim client for debug adapters. (Implements the debug adapter protocol)
- nvim-dap-python - Python extension for nvim-dap
- nvim-jdtls - Extensions for the Neovim built-in language server client for
- nvim-fzy - A fuzzy finder like fzf.vim but for fzy and neovim with Lua API
- nvim-qwahl - A collection of pickers using Complementary to nvim-fzy.
- nvim-lint - An asynchronous linter plugin for Neovim. Complementary to the built-in Language Server Protocol support.
- nvim-lsp-compl - A (auto-)completion plugin for Neovim focusing on LSP support.
- nvim-treehopper - Region selection with hints on the AST nodes of a document powered by treesitter.
- nvim-ansible -
function to execute ansible playbooks, filetype patterns, improvedpath
. - nvim-snippasta - copy text/code and paste it transformed into snippets using treesitter queries for tabstop detection.
- nvim-overfly - Provides keymaps to quickly fly around your source code.