API for the Ur game acting as a Mur DB wrapper and game scheduler.
# Build all the artifacts
mvn clean package
# Build the local docker image
docker build . -t angler98/murabi:latest
Murabi is stateless so running it should be easy. Here is an example of running it locally.
# Spin up a local postgresql
export DB_HOST=host.docker.internal
export DB_PORT=5432
export DB_USER=murabi
export DB_PASS=murabi
export DB_NAME=murabi
docker run --rm --name pq -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=murabi -e POSTGRES_USER=murabi -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=murabi -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
# Update the schema
psql -h localhost -d murabi -U murabi -f schema/up.sql
# Since there is no presence locking mechanism implemented yet
# we have to pass in the murker addresses in the following format...
export MURKER_ADDRESSES="host.docker.internal:9000,host.docker.internal:9001"
# Start the server locally
docker run -e MURKER_ADDRESSES -e DB_HOST -e DB_PORT -e DB_USER -e DB_PASS -e DB_NAME -it --rm -p 8080:8080 angler98/murabi:latest