Full-throttle, wire-speed hardware implementation of Wireguard VPN, using low-cost Artix7 FPGA with opensource toolchain. If you seek security and privacy, nothing is private in our codebase. Our d…
A userspace DMA example on Zynq platform (ZC706).
Demo projects for various Kintex FPGA boards
Convenience script to install the nextpnr-xilinx toolchain for Kintex7, Artix7, Spartan7 and Zynq7
Browser-based frontend to gdb (gnu debugger). Add breakpoints, view the stack, visualize data structures, and more in C, C++, Go, Rust, and Fortran. Run gdbgui from the terminal and a new tab will …
Notes on the Eclypse Z7 development board
Restoration for TEMPEST images using deep-learning
Firmware for NanoVNA, NanoVNA-H, NanoVNA-H4. Support SD Card, external Serial connection, fast measure, fast exchange vs CPU
NanoVNA interface implementation with WebSerial/WebUSB/Android.
A collection of reusable, high-quality, peer-reviewed VHDL building blocks.
Latest firmware for antsdr E310 based on PlutoSDR
azolotko / plutoplus
Forked from plutoplus/plutoplusPlutoSDR+ firmware
Benchmarking GNSS system at the Xilinx PYNQ FPGA based platform
Run 64-bit Linux on LiteX + RocketChip
Slides and lab instructions for the mastering MicroBlaze session