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Bolt protocol support for a Kubernetes cluster with authentication via Ingress


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Welcome to the bolt-proxy service repository. If you wish to support bolt protocol in your Kubernetes cluster and authenticate them via ingress service, this bolt-proxy helps you intercept those requests and delegate authentication. This project aims to help everyone using k8 clusters to use this bolt-proxy in order to implement cluster authentication inside of it.

📋 How to use?

You can set up these flags manually:

Usage of ./bolt-proxy:
  -bind string
        host:port to bind to (default "localhost:8888")
  -cert string
        x509 certificate
        enable debug logging
  -key string
        x509 private key
  -pass string
        Memgraph password
  -uri string
        bolt uri for remote Memgraph (default "bolt://localhost:7687")
  -user string
        Memgraph username (default "")

or set up the env variables:

  • BOLT_PROXY_BIND -- host:port to bind to (e.g. "")
  • BOLT_PROXY_URI -- bolt uri for backend system(s) (e.g. "bolt://host-1:7687")
  • BOLT_PROXY_USER -- memgraph user for the backend monitor
  • BOLT_PROXY_PASSWORD -- password for the backend memgraph user for use by the monitor
  • BOLT_PROXY_CERT -- path to the x509 certificate (.pem) file
  • BOLT_PROXY_KEY -- path to the x509 private key file
  • BOLT_PROXY_DEBUG -- set to any value to enable debug mode/logging

🔎 Authentication & Authorization

Currently, bolt-proxy supports BasicAuth on and AADToken authentication for Azure. To enable it set the env variable AUTH _METHOD to one of the possible authentication methods.

  • AUTH_METHOD -- currently only BASIC_AUTH and AAD_TOKEN_AUTH are supported

Depending on the chosen authentication methods, you will need to define specific environment variables:

  • BASIC_AUTH_URL -- URL against which to authenticate clients credentials
  • AAD_TOKEN_CLIENT_ID -- ClientID of the resource which you wish to authenticate against
  • AAD_TOKEN_PROVIDER -- The Azure authentication provider (e.g.{tenant_name})

The user should use any client application (mgconsole, neo4j-client, pymgclient...) to connect to Memgraph and send credentials via bolt protocol. mgconsole -username user -password password or mgconsole -username user -password JWT


Thanks to Dave Voutila and his work on bolt-proxy for Neo4js bolt-proxy and for providing a good base and inspiration for this bolt-proxy.


Project is licensed under Apache License 2.0.

The original project made by Dave Voutila is licensed under MIT License.

Copyright 2020 Dave Voutila ([email protected])
Copyright 2023 MEMGRAPH LTD