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Marc edited this page Apr 21, 2018 · 3 revisions

Titan contains a internal blacklist that only contains SteamIDs of accounts that are either mine or are owned by friends of mine. Buying yourself into this blacklist is not possible.

A comment from the Titan/Titan/Restrictions/Blacklist.cs file:

// This is the hard coded implementation of a Blacklist in Titan.
// This prevents users from botting persons on this
// blacklist, to prevent my own accounts and the
// from my friends from getting report botted and banned.
// Purchasing yourself into this blacklist is not possible
// and this whole application is open-source. If users
// wish to disable the blacklist, they could either remove
// the whole blacklist or include the "--noblacklist" command
// line argument when starting Titan.

If you still wish to report a person that is on that list (even thought I don't recommend it - it hurts the creator and his friends!), Titan allows you to do this by passing the --noblacklist option when starting Titan.

Just restart Titan like this:

$ mono Titan.exe --noblacklist

On Windows, remove the mono part in front of it.

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