The project generates a summary of WoW raid combat logs.
The summary includes:
- consumables (as much as the combat log allows)
- consumable prices if data is available. First an attempt is made to download prices from the web. If that fails, prices are read from the local prices.json
- sunder summary (for superwow logs)
- cooldowns, resurrects, racial abilities and trinkets used
- annihilator log
- flame buffet (dragonling) log
- details about some boss fights
- nefarian corrupted healing
- nefarian wild polymorphs
- viscidus frost hits
- huhuran frenzy/berserk/tranq shots/peasant callers
- cthun chains
- gluth frenzy/tranq shots/decimate
- four horsemen chains
- kt shadow fissures
- kt frostbolts
- kt frostblasts
- pets found
- classes detected
It is assumed that the combat log was generated while a logging addon such as AdvancedVanillaCombatLog or SuperWowCombatLogger was active.
Check out the examples directory for summaries of various raids.
Price data via
usage: summarize_consumes.exe [-h] [--pastebin] [--open-browser] [--write-summary]
[--write-consumable-totals-csv] [--write-damage-output]
[--write-healing-output] [--write-damage-taken-output]
[--prices-server {nord,telabim}] [--visualize]
[--compare-players PLAYER1 PLAYER2]
[--expert-log-unparsed-lines] [--expert-write-web-prices]
[--expert-disable-web-prices] [--expert-deterministic-logs]
positional arguments:
logpath path to WoWCombatLog.txt or an url like
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pastebin upload result to a pastebin and return the url
--open-browser used with --pastebin. open the pastebin url with your browser
--write-summary writes output to summary.txt instead of the console
also writes consumable-totals.csv (name, copper, deaths)
writes output to damage-output.txt
writes output to healing-output.txt
writes output to damage-taken-output.txt
--prices-server {nord,telabim}
specify which server price data to use
--visualize Generate visual infographic
--compare-players PLAYER1 PLAYER2
compare 2 players, output the difference in compare-players.txt
create an unparsed.txt with everything that was not parsed
writes output to prices-web.json
don't download price data
disable environmental outputs
On melbalabs you can find a simple version that analyzes the log in your browser.
You can download an executable from the Releases section and save it in your WoW Logs folder.
The release is automatically generated and you can see exactly how in the Actions section.
A bunch of anti-virus software as usual gives a false positive, so if you are worried, install from source as shown below.
This is only needed if you don't want to use the binary from the releases section and prefer to use the source code.
# Create a virtualenv with the project in the current directory:
python -m venv venv
# Install the project and its dependencies:
.\venv\Scripts\pip.exe install .
# Create a summary:
.\venv\Scripts\summarize_consumes.exe path\to\your\Logs\WoWCombatLog.txt > summary.txt
# Create summary, upload to a pastebin and open with your browser:
.\venv\Scripts\summarize_consumes.exe path\to\your\Logs\WoWCombatLog.txt --pastebin --open-browser