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Variations of the U-Net architecture for Medical Image Semantic Segmentation

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Medical Image Semantic Segmentation

This repository gives the step-by-step instructions to train different variations of the U-Net architecture for Medical Image Semantic Segmentation (using PyTorch). As of now this process is limited to Brain Tumor Segmentation, but will later be extended to other anatomies.
Clone this repository using git clone and then cd into it. Ideally, this documentation is written under the assumption that the user is working on a SGE based HPC cluster (Hence, the terminology that I will be using subsequently will be influenced by this assumption) with sufficient GPU and CPU memory. The CPU and GPU memory requirements are further elaborated in the documentation in the respective folders.

What are the modules/packages needed?

PyTorch framework is used. For uses on the cbica-cluster (although you can see the required modules at the beginning of each trainer script I will mention them here anyway):

module load pytorch/1.0.1 # Always needed
module load gcc/5.2.0 # Needed somtimes because pandas package throws errors sometimes if this is not loaded 

Preparing the dataset

Downloading the dataset

Set of instructions on how to preprocess the raw BraTS data:

  1. Follow instructions on this page to download the BraTS training data
  2. Create a new folder called Original_data and within it a folder called train:
cd ${brats_data} # the data was downloaded and extracted in this location
mkdir Original_data
cd Original_data
mkdir train
  1. Copy/Move all the patients from the HGG and LGG folders into the folder train which is mentioned above (wherever it may be located)
cd ${brats_data}
mv HGG/* Original_data/train/
mv LGG/* Original_data/train/

Folder Structure of the Dataset

  1. All the scripts (whichever are relavent) are written with repect to the data folder structure of the BraTS dataset.
  2. So, it is important to note that, if one is not using the BraTS data and/or is using different/additional data, it must comply with the BraTS dataset folder structure which will be described in the subsequent points.
  3. Let's take the case of the data in Original_data/train/ with n patients.
  4. n patients correspond to n folders in the Original_data/train/
  5. The name of each of these folders is the patient_ID of that particular patient.
  6. The patient_ID could be any alpha-numeric sequence.
  7. Each patient_ID folder consists 5 *.nii.gz files with the following names : patient_ID_t1.nii.gz, patient_ID_t2.nii.gz, patient_ID_t1ce.nii.gz, patient_ID_flair.nii.gz and patient_ID_seg.nii.gz, corresponding to 4 imaging modalities and 1 ground truth segmentation mask.

So, in short, whatever data you use, it is expected to be in the folder structure that is explained in the points above.

Preprocessing the dataset (for more details look into the Preprocess_Data folder)

  1. Open ${repo_location}/Preprocess_Data/ with your favorite editor and change the variable path_data to ${brats_data}/Orignal_data/train/ as mentioned in the point number 2 above (Do not forget the / at the end - this is assumed to be present during file parsing).
  2. Change the path variable in ${repo_location}/Preprocess_Data/ to the folder where you wish to save the preprocessed data, preferably to something understandable such as ${brats_data}/Preprocessed_data/train/ (this location needs to be present before the script runs).
  3. Run the file using python ${repo_location}/Preprocess_Data/ after making sure that all the dependencies [numpy, math, nibabel, tqdm] are installed. Doing this will preprocess the raw data and write it to the location specified in path.

Preparing the necessary CSV files (for more details look into the csv_all folder)

  1. Open the ${repo_location}/csv_all/ with your favorite editor and change the variable train_path to the path defined by the path variable in the previous section, i.e., ${brats_data}/Preprocessed_data/train/.
  2. Run the using python ${repo_location}/csv_all/, again after making sure that the necessary dependencies [csv, pandas] are installed.
  3. The training process is done using 5 fold cross validation, hence 10 CSV files are generated in the location defined by train_path: 5 each for training and validation folds.

Training the Model

Setting the training hyperparameters

Open the ${repo_location}/train_parameters.cfg file and change the training hyperparameters such as Number of Epochs (num_epochs), Optimizer (opt), Loss Function (which_loss), batch size and so on. The descriptions for each of the hyperparameters is documented in the file itself.


Running the training process (for more details look into the submission_scripts folder)

  1. The training script ${repo_location}/submission_scripts/ takes in 2 command line arguments : first is the path to the training csv file of a given fold, and the second is the path to the validation csv file of a given fold (the respective pairs are generated at point 4 of the CSV preparation step above).
  2. cd into the ${repo_location}/submission_scripts folder. There are 5 submission scripts (one for each fold).
  3. Edit each of the submission scripts to make sure that the correct paths to the training and validation scripts is passed as arguments to (these are generated in the CSV file section).
  4. Run each of the submission scripts (trainer_f*.sh) either by bash or qsub (if you are using a SGE computing cluster)

How and where are the weights saved?

  1. The weights (models) are saved as *.pt files.
  2. All the models will be saved in the folder that you specified in the model_path parameter in the train_parameters.cfg file
  3. The saved models follow is specific naming scheme
  4. Each of the models is named in the form
  5. X tells us which fold is the model from i.e. 1-5 and YYY tells us what is the epoch number where the best model weights were obtained.
  6. Depending on the value of the parameter save_best in the train_paramters.cfg file, $save_best number of models will be saved. Hence, the total number of weight files that will be saved are : $save_best * number_of_folds

Inference/Predicting Segmentation on unseen data (for more details look into the gen_seg folder)

cd into the gen_seg folder which in-short stands for generate segmentations. After this you can cd into either of gen_train or gen_validation or gen_test according to which dataset's segmentation you want to generate.


Variations of the U-Net architecture for Medical Image Semantic Segmentation






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