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WXT Starter

Build upon amazing wxt framework.


Predefined Entrypoints

Move the predefined entry points from the inactive folder to directly under the entrypoints folder to enable them.

Popup is enabled by default.

*: For sidepanel, wxt does not automatically add the sidePanel permission. You must manually add it to the manifest field in wxt.config.js. Related: wxt#544

*: For onboarding, to retrieve the URL of the onboarding page, use browser.runtime.getURL('/onboarding.html').


If you are using vscode, autofix should already be enabled. You can run npm run lint to check for errors and npm run lint:fix to fix most of them.

Thanks for antfu's elegant design philosophy in eslint configuration.


To use it, refer to the documentation

tldr: To add components using npx shadcn/ui add, select them by pressing space and submit with enter. If adding a code file, simply type the component name for autocompletion in vscode.