Developed using a Pi Zero W
Pushbullet: display images or text from pushbullet pushes
FlightRadar24: display flight details within an area of interest file required with:
- bounding box (for flight radar querying)
- pushbullet api key
- airport code (to determine arriving/departing, can be left blank to display all flight details)
pb_key = 'key_here' # TODO: replace with your pushbullet key
bounds = {'tl_y': -180, 'tl_x': -90, 'br_y': 180, 'br_x': 90} # TODO: replace with desired bbox
bounds_str = "{},{},{},{}".format(bounds["tl_y"], bounds["br_y"], bounds["tl_x"], bounds["br_x"])
airport_icao = '' # TODO: replace with desired airport ICAO
To run, execute: