SimpleAWS was something that came out of work I was doing over the past 5 years. I have retired from tech work, and have decided that I'm pretty done with coding. I'd love someone to take this over, otherwise, consider this a dead project. I'm happy to answer questions about it, but I won't be contributing any code to it in the foreseeable future.
Version 0.1.6
Simplified Libraries for some of the most common AWS resources. The purpose of SimpleAWS is to add one layer of abstraction, and remove a lot of the guess-work from interfacing with some AWS resources.
The options are limited on purpose - this is not designed to replace boto3, but to provide an easier entry into using AWS resources with python.
SimpleAWS uses profiles and secret/access keys. Put a file called 'credentials' inside the .aws directory in your home directory (the home of the user running this code.) The format of the file is:
aws_access_key_id = <key>
aws_secret_access_key = <key>
pip install simple-aws
from simple_AWS.aws_functions import *
from simple_AWS.dynamodb_functions import *
from simple_AWS.s3_functions import *
from simple_AWS.sns_functions import *
from simple_AWS.sqs_functions import *
from simple_AWS.cloudfront_functions import *
Get Regions for a service
regions = aws.list_regions(service=service)
List buckets
s3simple = S3Simple(region_name='region', profile='profile')
bucket_list = s3simple.list_buckets()
# returns a list
Get a list of files in a bucket
s3simple = S3Simple(region_name='region', profile='profile', bucket_name='bucket-name')
file_list = s3simple.s3_bucket_contents()
# returns a list
Get a filtered list of files in a bucket
s3simple = S3Simple(region_name='region', profile='profile', bucket_name='bucket-name')
filtered_list = s3simple.s3_bucket_filter(prefix='file_name.ext')
# returns a list
Download a file
s3simple = S3Simple(region_name='region', profile='profile', bucket_name='bucket-name')
s3simple.download_file(file_name='file_name.ext', output_file='/path/file_name.txt')
Create Bucket
s3simple = S3Simple(region_name='region', profile='profile', bucket_name='new-bucket-name')
new_bucket = s3simple3.s3_new_bucket()
Delete Bucket
s3simple = S3Simple(region_name='region', profile='profile', bucket_name='bucket-name')
Saving text to file
s3simple = S3Simple(region_name='region', profile='profile', bucket_name='bucket-name')
key = 'test_item.txt'
body = """
Hundreds of thousands light years shores of the cosmic ocean circumnavigated white dwarf Rig Veda.
Courage of our questions something incredible is waiting to be known extraordinary claims require
extraordinary evidence brain is the seed of intelligence laws of physics extraordinary claims require
extraordinary evidence. Dream of the mind's eye invent the universe emerged into consciousness made
in the interiors of collapsing stars something incredible is waiting to be known finite but unbounded.
s3simple.put_to_s3(key=key, body=body)
Sending file to S3
s3simple = S3Simple(region_name='region', profile='profile', bucket_name='bucket-name')
s3simple.send_file_to_s3(local_file='/path/file_name.ext', s3_file='file_name.ext')
To make that file publically available (not recommended!):
s3simple = S3Simple(region_name='region', profile='profile', bucket_name='bucket-name')
s3simple.send_file_to_s3(local_file='/path/file_name.ext', s3_file='file_name.ext', public=True)
Delete File
s3simple = S3Simple(region_name='region', profile='profile', bucket_name='bucket-name')
List Vaults
gsimple = GlacierSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile')
vaults = gsimple.list_vaults()
Checking to see if a table exists
dbsimple = DynamodbSimple(table_name='table_name', region_name='region', profile='profile')
# region and profile are optional
if dbsimple.check_table(): # returns True/False
List all Tables
dbsimple = DynamodbSimple(table_name=test_new_table, region_name=test_region, profile=test_profile)
table_list = dbsimple.list_tables()
# returns a list
Creating a Table
dbsimple = DynamodbSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', table_name='table_name')
sort_key='bar', #optional
Delete a table
dbsimple = DynamodbSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', table_name='table_name')
Writing data in bulk
dbsimple = DynamodbSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', table_name='table_name')
dbsimple.batch_write_items(items=items) # items is a list of dicts
Writing individual items
dbsimple = DynamodbSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', table_name='table_name')
for item in items:
dbsimple.insert_item(item=item) #item is a dict
Dynamo Query
dbsimple = DynamodbSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', table_name='table_name')
data = dbsimple.dynamo_query(
field='foo', # field must be partition key, sort key or indexed
# returns a list of dicts
Dynamo Scan
dbsimple = DynamodbSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', table_name='table_name')
data = dbsimple.dynamo_scan(
key='moo', # any key
# returns a list of dicts
Get all data
dbsimple = DynamodbSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', table_name='table_name')
all_data = dbsimple.get_all() # returns a list of dicts
Delete key/value pair
dbsimple = DynamodbSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', table_name='table_name')
key='foo', # key must be partition key, sort key or indexed
Update DynamoDB entry
dbsimple = DynamodbSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', table_name='table_name')
id_key='foo', # key must be partition key, sort key or indexed
Does a Queue Exist?
sqs_simple = sqsSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', queue_name='queue_name')
List Queues
sqs_simple = sqsSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile')
sqs_list = sqs_simple.list_queues()
# returns a list
Create Queue
sqs_simple = sqsSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile')
Delete Queue
sqs_simple = sqsSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', queue='queue_name')
Send Message
sqs_simple = sqsSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', queue='queue_name')
sqs_simple.send_sqs_message(message=message) # message is text
Get Messages
sqs_simple = sqsSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', queue='queue_name')
messages = sqs_simple.get_sqs_messages(num_messages=5)
# returns a list
Purge Queue
sqs_simple = sqsSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile', queue='queue_name')
List Topics
sns_simple = snsSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile')
topics = sns_simple.list_topics()
# Returns a list
List Subscriptions
sns_simple = snsSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile')
subscriptions = sns_simple.list_subscriptions()
# Returns a list
Send Message
sns_simple = snsSimple(region_name='region', profile='profile')
sns_simple.send_notification(arn='AWS Topic ARN', subject='subject', message='message')
List Distributions
cfsimple = Cloudfront_Simple(region_name=test_region, profile=test_profile)
dists = cfsimple.cf_list()
Get Details of a Distribution
cfsimple = Cloudfront_Simple(region_name=test_region, profile=test_profile)
details = cfsimple.cf_details(id=cf_id)
details = cfsimple.cf_details(domain=domain)
details3 = cfsimple.cf_details(alias=alias)
details4 = cfsimple.cf_details(origin=origin)
Create an Invalidation
cfsimple = Cloudfront_Simple(region_name=region, profile=profile)
response = cfsimple.cf_invalidate(cf_id, path)
List Instances
ec2 = ec2Simple(region_name=region, profile=test_profile)
instances = ec2.list_instances()
# Returns instance iterator
- with example code to test each of the services.
- Inventory:
- EC2 instances
- S3 buckets
- DynamoDB tables
- SNS Topics and subscriptions
- SQS Queues under all regions
- Cloudfront Distributions
- this requires the python library 'click' - will create an invalidation by domain name and path.