This Python SDK provides a convenient interface to the Smobilpay S3P API. It supports Python version 3.7 and above, making it easy to integrate into your Python applications to interact with Smobilpay services.
Ensure you have Python 3.7+ installed on your system. You can check your Python version by running:
python --version
Setting up the environment Start by creating a .env file at the root of your project to store your Smobilpay API credentials securely:
touch .env
Edit the .env file to add your Smobilpay API credentials and configuration settings:
# SMOBILPAY API credentials
Install dependencies Ensure all required dependencies are installed by running:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To containerize the Smobilpay S3P API Client, use the following Dockerfile:
docker build -t smobilpay-sdk .
docker run -it smobilpay-sdk /bin/bash
# Within the docker
# run
The official API documentation can be found at:
Here's a simple example to get you started with fetching account information using the SDK:
from services.account_service import AccountService
def main():
# Initialize the Account service
account_service = AccountService()
account = account_service.fetch_account_info()
if __name__ == "__main__":
Please visit for usage documentation
All URIs are relative to /v2
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
AccountService | fetch_account_info | GET /account | Retrieve account information and remaining account balance |
ServiceNumberVerificationApi | verify_service_number | GET /verify | Verify service number |
CollectionService | execute_payment_collection | POST /collectstd | Execute payment collection |
PingService | ping | GET /ping | Check on the availability of the api |
BillService | fetch_bills | GET /bill | Get bill payment handler |
QuoteService | request_quote | POST /quotestd | Request quote with price details about the payment |
SubscriptionService | fetch_subscriptions | GET /subscription | Get subscription payment handler |
CashinService | fetch_cashins | GET /cashin | Retrieve available cashin packages |
CashoutService | fetch_cashouts | GET /cashout | Retrieves available cashout packages |
MerchantService | fetch_merchants | GET /merchant | Retrieve list of merchants supported by the system. |
ProductService | fetch_products | GET /product | Retrieve list of available products |
ServiceApi | fetch_services | GET /service | Retrieve list of services supported by the system. |
ServiceApi | fetch_service_by_id | GET /service/{id} | Retrieve single service |
TopupService | fetch_topups | GET /topup | Retrieve available topup packages |
VoucherService | fetch_vouchers | GET /voucher | Retrieve list of available vouchers to purchase |
PaymentHistoryService | fetch_payment_history | GET /historystd | Retrieve list of historic payment collection. |
PaymentStatusService | fetch_payment_status | GET /verifytx | Get the current payment collection status |