This is a list of the projects I have worked on so far as part of the Computer Science degree at the University of Bologna
Separation of two images, from MNIST and Fashion-MNIST respectively, given an overlapping version.
Design of an SQL database for a flying company, covering requirement analysis, conceptual design, logical design and normalization.
Online backgammon multiplayer developed with Scrum practices. Built with Vue.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, Python, FastAPI, and MongoDB.
Website to help students manage their private, social, and academic life. Built with Vue.js, TypeScript, Tailwind, Node.js, and MongoDB.
Implementation of a microkernel operating system on the µRISCV architecture.
Notebooks covering topics such as SVD, nonlinear equations, LSQ, polynomial regression, unconstrained optimization and image enhancement.
AI agent capable of playing CXGame, a generalized version of the Connect Four game where the grid size and the number of pieces to align can be customized.
A platformer game in ASCII graphic developed with C++ and ncurses library. The project includes several levels, enemies, power-ups and a market.
First six projects of From Nand to Tetris: Building a Modern Computer From First Principles.