Author: Matteo Nunziante
Date: 29/09/2021
Algorithm: A*
OpenList -> contains all the nodes that are being generated
ClosedList -> contains each node explored after it's neighboring nodes are discovered
Optimization -> new node already present in the closedList or in the openList won't be put in the openList
Calculate the "distance" from the goal:
f-score = h-score + g-score
h-score (positional) = number of misplaced tiles between the current state and the goal state
h-score (proportional) = calculate the difference in module between position of numbers in the current node
and the positions in the final configuration
g-score = number of nodes traversed from the start node to get to the
current node
specify the size of the puzzle
specify the start configuration as follow
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 _
Use the generator to create random configurations of any size to testify the algorithm
Input ->
specify the size of the puzzle
specify the number of actions to perform on the puzzle to get the final random configuration