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Tags: matplotlib/cycler




This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
QuLogic Elliott Sales de Andrade
REL: 0.12.1

This is the second release of Cycler 0.12.

This fixes the previous release not shipping the `py.typed` file.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
QuLogic Elliott Sales de Andrade
REL: 0.12.0

This is the first release of Cycler 0.12.

The major new feature in this release is the addition of type hints.
Furthermore, the minimum supported version of Python is now 3.8.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
QuLogic Elliott Sales de Andrade
REL: v0.12.0rc1

This is the first release candidate for Cycler 0.12.0.

The major new feature in this release is the addition of type hints.
Furthermore, the minimum supported version of Python is now 3.8.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
QuLogic Elliott Sales de Andrade
REL: v0.11

This is the first Cycler feature release in some years. New features

* Added `Cycler.by_key`, which produces values by key (#26)
* Added `Cycler.__contains__`, which adds support for `in` checks (#34)
* Wheels now includes the LICENSE file (#48)
* The sdist now includes the LICENSE (#58) and tests (#32)
* Cycler no longer supports Python 2. Supported versions of Python are
  3.6 and above.



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
tacaswell Thomas A Caswell
REL: v0.10.0

Feature release for `cycler`.  This release includes a number of new

 - `Cycler` objecst learned to generate an `itertools.cycle` by calling
   them, a-la a generator.
 - `Cycler` objects learned to change the name of a  key via the
   new `.change_key(old_key, new_key)` method.
 - `Cycler` objects learned how to compare each other and determine if
   they are equal or not (`==`).
 - `Cycler` objects learned how to join another `Cycler` to be
   concatenated into a singel longer `Cycler` via `concat` method of function.
   `A.concat(B)` or `concat(A, B)`.
 - The `cycler` factory function learned to construct a complex `Cycler`
   from iterables provided as keyword arguments.
 - `Cycler` objects learn do show their insides with the `by_key` method
   which returns a dictionary of lists (instead of an iterable of dictionaries).



This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
tacaswell Thomas A Caswell
cycler v0.9.0

First beta release