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🎮 Warmane AddOns Collection

WoW Version License Status

Collection of custom World of Warcraft addons specifically developed for Warmane's WotLK (3.3.5a) servers.

📋 Table of Contents

📦 Available AddOns


📚 Core library providing shared functionality for all Warmane addons.

  • Color-coded message formatting
  • Safe API wrappers
  • Slash commands helpers


🎯 Automatically switches Hunter tracking based on target type.

  • Smart tracking switching for Hunters
  • Triggers only for neutral/hostile targets
  • GCD-aware to prevent false switching
  • Implemented to work with manual tracking switching as well


📋 Makes chat messages easily copyable.

  • Click on channel name or on the message directly to copy messages
  • Works with all message types (channels, system, say, ...)
  • Supports multiple messages in copy window
  • Clear button to reset copy window content

📸 Screenshots


Tracking Aid Demo

Reactive tracking system adapting to enemy types in PvP combat.


Chat Copy Demo

Copy messages by clicking on the channel name or directly on messages without a channel.

⚙️ Installation

  1. Download the latest release
  2. Extract the addon folders to your World of Warcraft 3.3.5a/Interface/AddOns directory
  3. Ensure addon names match exactly (case-sensitive)
  4. Restart WoW if it was running

🔧 Dependencies

WarmaneCommonUtils is required by all addons, otherwise they are standalone and you don't need to use all of them.

💡 Feedback & Development

I'm actively developing custom AddOns for Warmane! Your input is valuable:

  • Report any bugs or unexpected behaviour
  • Share your ideas for improvements or additional functionality
  • Request entirely new addons
  • Either open an issue on GitHub or reach out via Discord: jimmorioriarty
  • Note that I'm currently not interested in backporting existing addons

All feedback is appreciated and helps make these addons better for everyone!

🤝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Here's how you can help:

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create a new branch following the naming convention:
    • Format: feature/f-wxy-feature-name
    • f indicates it's a feature
    • wxy is the addon shortcode (e.g., wta for WarmaneTrackingAid)
    • feature-name describes the feature
    • Example: feature/f-wta-track-hidden
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'WXY: Added awesome feature')
    • Commit messages need to start with the addon shorcode (WXY) to maintain order
    • This doesn't apply for non AddOn-specific commits
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/f-wxy-feature-name)
  5. Open a Pull Request

If you want to add your own Warmane AddOns to this repository:

  1. Addon Naming Requirements:

    • Follow the format Warmane[Addon][Name] for consistency
    • Exactly three words, first always being "Warmane"
  2. Dependencies and Utils:

    • Utilize the WarmaneCommonUtils library for common functionality (API calls, message formatting)
    • You may extend WarmaneCommonUtils with new functionality for your addons while maintaining backward compatibility
  3. Code Standards:

    • Follow Lua language conventions
    • Follow WoW addon development best practices
    • Use PascalCase for function names and camelCase for variable names
    • Include appropriate code documentation
    • Document your addon in this README with description and screenshots

⭐ Support

If you find these addons helpful, please star the repository and share with other Warmane players!

Made with ❤️ for the Warmane Community


Custom WoW AddOns created for Warmane (WOTLK 3.3.5a).







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