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Mashaan's YouTube channel

Here are the notebooks I used in my YouTube videos.

Sampling for Graph Neural Networks code
Graph Attention in DGL code
Mini Batches in Graph Neural Network code
JAX Speed Test: IT'S FAST!!! code
Convolutional Neural Net (CNN) in JAX code
Vision Transformer (ViT) in JAX code
Graph Attention Networks in JAX code
Convolutional Layers in JAX code
Simple Neural Net in JAX code
GCN code for PyTorch Geometric and Jraph code
Sparse Subspace Clustering (SSC) code
Graph Attention in PyTorch Geometric code
PyTorch Conv2d Under The Hood code
GCN Variants: SGC and ASGC code
DETR Object Detection code
Spectral Clustering Code code
CNN vs ViT: PyTorch Training code
Multilayer Neural Networks Code code
PyTorch code for GCN and SGC code
Perceptron Algorithm Code code
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) in PyTorch code
Attention maps in vision transformers (ViT) code
Seaborn plots code