Fast Numerical Linear Algebra Library for Ruby
NMatrix is a fast numerical linear algebra library for Ruby, written mostly in C and C++. It is part of the SciRuby project.
NMatrix was inspired by and based heavily upon NArray, by Masahiro Tanaka.
For full instructions, please see Generally, you should be able to do
gem install nmatrix
However, you will need to install ATLAS with CBLAS first. Those directions can be found at our website.
NOTE: The above command will not give you 0.0.2, which is not yet complete. To obtain the latest code, you should use the following sequence of commands:
git clone cd nmatrix/ rake compile rake repackage gem install pkg/nmatrix-0.0.4.gem
If you get errors about clapack.h or cblas.h, figure out where your ATLAS headers are using:
locate clapack.h
If you’re a Mac user, we recommend you search for cblas.h instead.
Then, tell your system:
export C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/atlas/include export CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/local/atlas/include
Finally, try compiling again.
LAPACK, probably
GCC 4.3
Ruby 1.9
packable 1.3.5 (used for I/O)
Create a new NMatrix from a ruby array:
>>[2, 3], [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], :int64).pp [0, 1, 2] [3, 4, 5] => nil
Create a new NMatrix using the N
>> m = N[ [2, 3, 4], [7, 8, 9] ] => #<NMatrix:0x007f8e121b6cf8shape:[2,3] dtype:int32 stype:dense> >> m.pp [2, 3, 4] [7, 8, 9]
If you want to learn more about how to create a matrix, read the guide in our wiki.
We will add more examples here soon. :)
Read the instructions in
if you want to help NMatrix.
The following features exist in the current version of NMatrix (0.0.2):
Matrix storage containers: dense, yale, list (more to come)
Data types: uint8, int8, int16, int32, int64, float32, float64, complex64, complex128, rational64, rational128 (incomplete)
Conversion between storage and data types (except from-complex, and from-float-to-rational)
Element-wise operations and comparisons for dense and yale
Matrix-matrix multiplication for dense (using ATLAS) and yale
Matrix-vector multiplication for dense (using ATLAS)
Dense and list matrix slicing and referencing
Native reading and writing of dense and yale matrices
Optional compression for dense matrices with symmetry or triangularity: symmetric, skew, hermitian, upper, lower
Matlab .MAT v5 file input
C and C++ API
BLAS internal implementations (no library) and ATLAS (with library) access:
Level 1: xROT, xROTG (BLAS dtypes only)
Level 2: xGEMV
Level 3: xGEMM, xTRSM
xGETRF, xGETRI, xGETRS, xGESV (Gaussian elimination)
xPOTRF, xPOTRI, xPOTRS, xPOSV (Cholesky factorization)
LAPACK-less internal implementations (no LAPACK needed and working on non-BLAS dtypes):
xLAUUM (no LAPACK needed, but BLAS dtypes only)
LU decomposition
Matrix inversions (requires LAPACK; BLAS dtypes only)
Determinant calculation for BLAS dtypes
These are features planned for NMatrix 0.1.0, our first beta.
calculation of determinant (LAPACK-free), trace, and eigenvalues (characteristic polynomial) (0.1.0)
exponentials and square roots
matrix inversions (LAPACK-free)
matrix decomposition/factorization
calculation of norms
tensor products
principal component analysis (PCA)
improved file I/O
compression of yale symmetries in I/O
operation scheduling
parallelization of some types of operations
optimization of non-BLAS data types on BLAS-like operations (e.g., matrix multiplication for rational numbers)
Ruby/GSL interoperability
Please be aware that SciRuby and NMatrix are alpha status. If you’re thinking of using SciRuby/NMatrix to write mission-critical code, such as for driving a car or flying a space shuttle, you may wish to choose other software for now.
You should also be aware that NMatrix and NArray are incompatible with one another; you should not try to require both at the same time. Unfortunately, that causes problems with Ruby/GSL, which currently depends upon NArray. As such, we are working on a patch for Ruby/GSL.
Copyright © 2012–13, The Ruby Science Foundation.
All rights reserved.
NMatrix, along with SciRuby, is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license. See LICENSE.txt for details.
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